Obsidian/Violet (Fated DF S4) Gladiator's Greatsword

they dont make them like they used too. The venthyr swords were pretty long but not girthy :^)

I’m def in the minority here for sure, but i prefer the clip over this. The unsheathe animation prob gonna look really weird too :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

Bump conquest and elite sword are missing

It’s not on the vendor. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: We’ve been bamboozled.

The elite sword model isn’t on 2400 elite xmog vendor either? Sad day

I can deal with a single stat option polearm if that’s all we get, even if it is annoying. But it’s even worse if we don’t get any other seasonal xmogs… like last season we had multiple 2 handed choices :weary:

Nope it’s not, I’m hoping it was just an oversight and they patch it and the conq sword in or maybe add in 10.1.5.

I also mad a thread on GD for exposure.

Bump it if you guys want to.

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u funny if u think gd cares bout anything pvp

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This is why its bad to think speculation is confirmation

it may have been speculation but honestly i think it was more of an oversight on blizzard’s part cause it’s clearly the same color as the other elite weapons and theres only a polearm for conquest/elite

Very similar to shadowlands s2

They may add it in. Get someone to tweet at warcraft devs

Sure, but there’s only one 2h str weapon and it’s the spear with mastery.

I mean this doesnt really matter when it comes to the elite cosmetic tokens anyways

Oh, wait, there’s a second polearm with haste instead of mastery on the conq vendor. Whack.

I think this is what needs to happen I don’t have a twitter though

Grab your discount pitchforks and imported torches. We riot tonight

Bumppp tweet @warcraftdevs pls

Not once in 20 years has the unsheath animation had your character actually reach for the hilt bozo. They just put their hand ambiguously in the air and shing its there.


Doing the lights work kydrav