Obsidian Scope too expensive

~1500g to craft for ~+10dps give or take is deeply disturbing. Honest middle class players are being locked out of this and other craftables that have turned into a gold buyers/auction house gurus treat.

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If you did your dailies for the past 2 patches you would be well over 4k gold for 20 mins of work per day.

Sniper scope is 15g this is over 1500g for minimal gain. Gold buyers and auction house gurus are the only ones that will use this new item, sad!

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Everything is overpriced atm. I thought the scarab lord farm would have cleaned the economy a bit but it doesn’t look like it.
That being said, min-maxing has always been expensive. It’s not needed to clear content as it provides little. The drop-rate of the new mats is disgustingly low too, even with them added to the crates from reals.

Obsidian got an insane buff in drop rate. Just wait a few days. It’s gonna crash.