Observing Arenas Quest not Working

The honor I’m getting from arena battles is not accumulating on the quest. Quests shows 0/1500 whether I win or lose. My honor games aren’t counting. I’ve abandoned the quest and got it again. same problem. 0/1500


I am having the same issue. The Observing Skirmishes quest worked fine, but the Arenas one didn’t. I was able to complete the Skirmishes quest but the Arenas one is still at 0/1500

I should add that I have disabled all addons and abandoned and re-acquired the quest with no success. Unsure if related, but I am having the exact same issue with collecting souls in the Maw (doesn’t register that I have obtained one) and with the Maldraxxus quest line (Collecting eyes doesn’t register that I have collected any)

i wasnt sure if having conquest cap was stopping me from doing the quest, but im having the same issue and dont really wanna spend my conquest yet

yea having same problem got the requirements and it wont let me cash in

+1, same issue.

+1, same issue as well.

+1 here, same same

+1; same issue

+1 not getting credit

1+ not working for me either

I am having the same issue.

Same here. Still not working. Unsure if the Conquest cap has anything to do with it.

Same here, got quite a bit of honor from the arenas and still zero :frowning:

Same here, have tried it with every variation of arena and no success

Same issue here. Has anyone found any solution to this problem?

It has to be rated arena.

They should rename quest’s details: it should be added in Rated Arenas, so people wouldn’t be confused like that


I’m having the same issue. My quest is stuck at 300/1500 though. No matter how many rated arena i do it doesnt increase.


Same I’m stuck at 1220 and it won’t even show any honor points if I win or lose.