Oblivion, you are SO close

Remove the CD, add Oblivion to Focused Malignancy and it would be freaking perfect.

People that like MR can keep it and spec into it, people that don’t can go Oblivion, Seed still does what it does, MR can be for council fights, Oblivion can be for ST, Seed for AOE.

Soooooo close. Jump over the finish line.

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It’s like you’ve not paid attention to any of the Aff updates.
The entire redesign is based around MR being used primarily in both ST and MR.

No no no.
The entire point is to bridge the gap between ST & AOE. You want to turn the gap into a damn canyon.

People would rather Aff not be viable than have to use MR cause “feelings”

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Yes, and I want a talent option to elect into for single target that isn’t MR. MR is obviously the standard for the tree, but a capstone at the bottom that allows you to upgrade it for a better ST spender sounds awesome. It would rarely be taken for M+, as MR is going to be the AOE tool (unfortunately), but it would be cool for ST.

MR is baseline.
There are several abilities within the tree that directly buff MR.

We will already get MR and Oblivion.
The only reason Oblivion is fun is because its costly to use. It just couldn’t replace MR, it makes no sense.

You’re phrasing it as being “so close” as if your ask is one or two changes.
You’re asking for the tree and core spec design to be entirely reworked.


Understanding does not automatically mean acceptance. I understand why MR exists and why the devs keep doubling down on it, but that understanding doesn’t somehow magically make me like the “feel” or the play style.

Feelings are subjective and should never be a factor in design.

A spec being viable is more important than some people’s feelings about how it’s viable.

That is only true for the devs. For most players, “feelings” trump everything. You could create the most perfectly balanced spec in the game and still have players hate it if it’s not fun to play.

“But you don’t understand, this is how they made it work!” Yeah, and? So what? I still don’t like it.

Then people need to accept that certain classes and specs won’t be playable at a certain level of difficulty then.

Its been made VERY apparent that Blizzard can not balance rot playstyles and the content they have developed will never support it.

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No it’s true for people that play at end game too.

Aff is my favorite raid spec (luckily I really enjoy demo and Destro too)

If a spec isn’t performing or viable I penalize my team if I play it.

I don’t raid heroic where anything is viable and fine.

No matter what happens someone isn’t going to be happy. Personally I want the people that hardly play the game or hardly play content that matters be then unhappy ones.

That’s fine. I didn’t say you can’t like it. I just said peoples subjective feelings on it are irrelevant.

“Content that matters” is subjective and should never be a factor in design.

It’s not subjective at all.

Raiding and mplus are primary pillars of endgame and the primary focus of the games endgame. So that would be the content that matters.

What people enjoy in world content is irrelevant.

Isn’t Balance Druid effectively a rot playstyle when it comes to M+. Spread dots, press starfall, which deals damage over time (sorta a demo version of a dot).