Obliterate Animation is Missing

Hey there, as of a few days ago my Obliterate completely changed animation wise and it’s been driving me nuts. I used to do the overhand chop but now it’s completely gone. My character just does the standard human jump in air attack. I even stood next to another frost DK and he did the old animation too so IDK wth is going on. I tested it with both DW and 2H and the animation is missing on both for me

That’s intended. It changes from the goofy spin to the overhead strike when you’re Rider to prevent weird animation clipping.

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Just for reference:


It only changes animations if youre talented into On a Paler Horse and when Death Charge is active.


Slightly off-topic, but I REALLY wish RotA used that mount instead of the Mistakelands one it has now :frowning_face:

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