Objective Tracker Adjustment

Hi everyone.

I’m new to the LUA language and generally to coding. Picking up a few things using a GPT and resources like WoWpedia.

I wanted to start making an addon that will change the orientation of the Objective tracker from Top to Bottom, to Bottom-Top.

Is this a feasible alteration using the current tracker without changing the frame itself… again huge noob here if you could just point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.

Thank you

I don’t want to discourage you from getting into writing addons, but an addon to rearrange the objective tracker blocks without breaking it due to taint seems extremely challenging. Even without taint issues, the objective tracker is perhaps the most complicated system in the default UI. Far more than action bars or unit frames.

You may find it easier to create your own objective tracker that doesn’t have items to click and doesn’t touch Blizzard’s implementation (other than to turn it off).


World Quest Tracker does this, although I prefer not to use that feature.

I don’t see that anywhere in it’s options. WQT has it’s own WQT Quest Tracker panel that it appends to the bottom of the Blizzard Objective Tracker but it doesn’t modify the Blizz Tracker itself.

Which was the point I was making: WQT does what was stated that an addon might be forced to do, not what the OP wishes to do.

Oh, I’m blind lol didn’t read the portion you were quoting.