
In the Dracthyr backstory, Deathwing used a Titan artifact called Oathbinder to mindcontrol the Dracthyr.

Here’s a good question: Why did the Titans create an artifact of mass mind control?


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Prototype for something much larger…

Titans do like using magical means to keep other beings ‘Aligned with their interest’.


“Why did the paragons of Order magic, who love for things to be extremely orderly and consider free will to be a dangerous aberration, build a mind control device?” I mean, why would they not?


To nitpick I don’t think it’s ever confirmed that the Titans created it for that specific purpose - only that it’s order magic was used by Neltharion for that purpose.

The Titans could have created it and used it for something else.

Kinda like if you create nuclear energy to power your city, but someone uses it as a bomb.


I’m likely off topic but there’s some chance the artifact belonged to the unknown Watcher King at Tyrhold considering the Earthen King Stoneheart was given Val’anyr. :8ball::robot:

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I don’t know… With a name like “Oathbinder”…

Unless Deathwing changed the name too lol


Going to need a source on that one, because the Titans have never been shown to be opposed to free will.

Oathbinder is of, ‘titanic origin,’ but that doesn’t necessarily translate into the Titans themselves having created it. Honestly, it feels like the sort of thing Odyn might have created.

I mean, it makes sense though.

First, they didn’t give free will to any of their creations. Heck, there’s even a lore item that explains that the War Within Earthen caught a little bit of Curse of Flesh and that’s why they have free will to be playable lol

Second, there’s the legend of Elun’Ahir.

If Aman’thul was like “WHAT?!? TREE IS NOT ORDER!!!”, imagine how he would react when he saw people with the ability to disobey lol

I’m not saying there’s conclusive evidence, I’m just saying that it makes sense that beings of Order would see free will as Chaos. It’s the power to disobey, to get in the way, to refuse to follow the plan.


Oh goodness, it’s not so nefarious. It’s just the titanic version of Trapper Keeper. It helps keep things organized and…orderly


Does it though?

There… nothing in there whatsoever about the Earthen in War Within having free will due to the curse of flesh. In fact, most Titan constructs do have some extent of free will. The degree to which that is exercised seemed more to be a reflection of hierarchy than anything else, with the Keepers acting by their own authority in the Titan’s absence. The disagreement between Tyr and Odyn on the dragons is proof enough on this matter.

That’s to say nothing about how Algalon changed his mind from re-originating the planet, although I’m not positive he counts since the Constellars aren’t Titan Constructs outright, but other arcane entities.

Legend. Not verifiable, and certainly not reflective of a disdain for free will. If anything it demonstrates even the Titans are not uniform and quarrel, assuming its true at all.

This seems to be more the Light’s schtick these days.

The Titans have never been demonstrated to oppose free will. They’ve always had an academic/intellectual aspect to them, choosing to study and observe rather than rule. While they bring order to planets, they don’t outright destroy anything and everything that isn’t part of their plan; only that which threatens the world. You need look no further than Aggramar’s intervention on Draenor for an example. He would have left the world alone if not for the fact the Sporemounds would have wiped out all life eventually, and he didn’t want to see Draenor reduced to a lifeless rock.

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True - I’ve gone through what I can find available online, but it’s not clear to me whether that was a Titan designation or one that Neltharion / others afterward gave it.

But “Oathbinder” seems to be in common tongue; maybe this could be a translation, but some Titan weapons Blizzard has placed in the game do have Titanic designations as well: Taeshalach (https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Taeshalach), Val’anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings (https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Val%27anyr,_Hammer_of_Ancient_Kings).

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Well when you are fighting an entity that enjoys warping things minds and turning others into gibbering messes. Having something to keep “Order” would be handy.


Could have been named Oathkeeper or something but when evil hands got on it they changed it’s name.


Plot twist, its original name was lost in translation from Titanic to Common. Its true purpose was the rapid growth of oat seeds to help provide food stuffs for the native population on Azeroth.


Titans as chefs: Order up!


Cool all you can eat Oatmeal.


Your enthusiasm for this is palpable from across the internet.

At least we can expect high class steel cut oats. My favorite!


They also added a way to control/align the dragons via order magic.

order, control.

glove, fist, not always good…

hope dat explain cause im drunk at tems explainz.
:dracthyr_a1: :+1:
danka to my teddy talk.

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Why would they not? Titans are control freaks and they don’t care about free will. DOMINATION MAGIC, the Lich King thing that is behind all of Sylvanas’ actions (she hates the thing) was created by the primus and the titans. The titans were heavily involved in its creation.