N'Zoth LFR nerf please

I killed N’Zoth day one of LFR, on my DPS. That week, I also killed him on two healers and a tank. What it takes is someone to tell the raid the following:

“Only kill tentacles near Phychus.
Use your neck whenever you are below 50% sanity.
Don’t stand in black puddles.
If you are in an odd group, go in the portal AFTER using your neck.
Go to the boss/wall when RL calls it out.
If you somehow lose all sanity, throw yourself off the edge (seriously, it helps).”

That is it… all other mechanics can be mostly ignored by the majority of the raid. The ones who really know what they are doing will take care of extra tentacles, killing neurons, and killing adds on the last phase… they don’t take much.

That is the detailed list. It really comes down to:

“Kill what you are supposed to kill.
Don’t stand in bad things.
Push big button every 30 seconds.”

I know… three things is a lot for LFR to remember, but if we all put our big boy pants on, we can do it!