N'zoth in crucible of storms (spoilers)

We poked Yogg-Saron in the brain and wore him down to the point where he dropped dead. C’Thun was stabbed in the head after we blinded him and he died.

Afrasiabi states that those 2 Old Gods are dead so we pretty much just killed them by stabbing their weak points. In Yogg-Saron’s case we gave him enough brain damage that exerting himself afterwards was fatal.

We blow a hole in his body with some big weapon (they did mention that the Horde might get to fire that cannon in Azshara this expansion) climb in the hole and then poke his internal organs with sharp and pointy objects.

We become a literal old god version of a bacterial infection. You know, if bacteria had magic spells and glowing swords.


yeah, that would happen

We became a brain disease for Yogg-Saron(that damaged the brain enough that he dropped dead from mental exertion from trying to drive us insane) and caused ulcers for C’Thun which combined with the strain of fighting us off caused multiple organ failure including that of the brain.

N’Zoth is so cunning we need to use the Bilgewater Harbor Cannon to get at his internal organs. He will be the most challenging of the Old Gods to face.

dear god, what we don’t need is more needless destruction.

Just looked at the Crown… It looks the same as Locus Walker and Shadreen’s Crown but with a Blue Gem instead of a Purple Gem! Someone is going to walk into the room during the cutscene, put the crown on her/his head and turn into Shadreen right before our very eyes!

Point in fact: https://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=145782/xan-sallish#modelviewer:10+0 Void Ethereal right there with the name “Blade of the Watcher” and Shadreen is called “The Watcher”.

Any ideas on what disguise Shadreen will have? Is Shadreen even Female? Sure the other language translations say so yet WoW was created in America so for all we know Shadreen is male and the he who’s crown will open the way.

3 Keys revealed: the Opener, the Dagger and the Crown. 2 more to go…

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