N'zoth and Azshara deserved better

Azshara was pretty much the last of the OG villains, known since even before Vanilla, and she was turned into a raid tier.

N’Zoth was hyped since Cata, he was the dude who corrupted Deathwing and was Deathwing’s master (Deathwing had his own expansion devoted to him btw) and N’Zoth was nothing more than a raid tier who didn’t even get his own zone. The developers just turned 2 old zones into a messed up version of itself.

This is a travesty of two characters who should have been saved for their own expansions down the road. I would have been more happy with the 4chan hoax about a Siege of Stormwind to end BoA instead of what we got.


I totally agree. What makes it worse is that the content is extremely thin. Look how small the Nazjatar map is! And there’s almost no content or storylines there other than grinding dailies associated to pathfinder.

N’zoth and 8.3 is a joke. Not even a new map. Just some random corruption numbers and a raid. It would be much more fun to make a map and gives more degree exploration of Ny’alotha.

I guess that means more work for Blizzard. Throwing several new grinding systems in to keep players busy is much easier :frowning:


I agree, they should of shipped N’zoth and Azshara. This pairing would of been amazing.

Mostly because people hated BFA and wanted to get it over with, but they had so many grand plans for it still. But yes, Azshara and N’Zoth should have been expacs of their own.

Wasn’t Azshara suppose to be a raid boss back in Cataclysm. But they was like Nawww, cause this raid wouldn’t really do her justice. What ever happened to that idea?

You say Deathwing had an expansion dedicated to him, but he got merc’d in a quest chain that wasn’t even in the live game (it was in beta, showing why Deathwing didn’t just go destroy the world right away) and then was asleep for most of the expansion.

As far as N’zoth, the entire expansion built up to him. Uldir was Old God themed. Shrine of the Storms was Old God themed. Even Eternal Palace was Old God themed. Meanwhile, while Deathwing was asleep, some random Firelord showed up and had a whole raid tier to himself that had basically nothing to do with Deathwing or Old Gods (Abyssal Maw would have tied the raid tier back into the expansion, but Abyssal Maw got cut).

Battle for Azeroth was literally a sleeper Old God expansion. And that’s what an Old God expansion should look like - they’re not about brute force, so their influence on the story should be subtle at first and only slowly ramp up to a peak.

BFA’s problem wasn’t N’Zoth or Azshara, it was Sylvanas twirling her mustache trying to steal the show from N’Zoth. Sylvanas should have been N’Zoth’s puppet and they should have figured out some other way to tie BFA into Shadowlands.

Except N’zoth didn’t ramp up to a peak. As a horde player I feel content wise Uldir and G’hunn is much better delivered than N’zoth. G’hunn has great quest centered on it and an awesome world map. When I play the quest I really feel I’m revealing G’hunn step by step.

N’zoth is far from that. No fun quest. No new map. The cloak quest only uses some old map. I would argue content wise G’hunn is way better than N’zoth. The end of N’zoth just feels rushed and unfinished (which is a shame as N’zoth is the most badass boss in the game so far imho).

Azshara is still around, so that part of it is ok, I think. Killing her off wouldn’t have been the right idea, but fighting her in a raid was fine.

N’Zoth doesn’t really matter, imho. There’s only so much you can do with the Old Gods, and he was the expansion end boss. They built the Visions around the idea of Ny’alotha, and we had the Empire Assaults.

Granted, BfA should really have been an Old Gods expansion from the start. Instead they tried to turn it into a faction conflict expansion with an Old Gods “surprise” which surprised no one.

So the whole thing was mishandled, sure, but Azshara can now be a recurring character, and N’Zoth would have been the end boss regardless.

So many tentacles…


Azshara was the greatest villain in WoW. What she got was a travesty to her character.

time skip will kill old world. And hopefully all the characters. And WoW will finaly die.

We’ll have TBC at this point ofc, best version of wow

Azshara can still be re-used she’s not dead, and can pop back up whenever she’s ready.

N’zoth was the last in line of a very tired boring set of villians. Good riddance to bad rubbish I say.

Yes she was. Have a look at this. This is footage of what is left over of the adandomed Abyssal Maw instance. You will notice it looks interestingly close to how the Eternal Palace raid is.

But ashara is still around her story isn’t over yet so can’t say she was hard done by yet.

Even if they had killed her, hey, SL is bringing Arthas back so…

But Arthas will never have what Art has

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