Nymue the migraine boss

not sure whats worse, the green on green on green on green with a hint of green and side of green?

or the 50% framerate hit


I like when my feet are emitting green stuff but I need to check if there are any faint transparent green soaks before I go back to the boss


It’s the blues that get me. The floor is blue, the walls that give you a dot are blue, and the stun lasers are blue. As a colorblind person it’s impossible to not get lazered to death on that fight, they come out of nowhere through the walls because I just can’t see them.

Really wish they would do something about the atrocious colorblind settings already. Or just stop color matching everything like this. Give me the option to change boss ability colors PLEASE!


I am not colorblind and those stupid lazers are hard to see for me as well


I personally had bigger issues with visual clarity on other bosses, but i 100% agree that blizzard has to stop matching all colours of a boss visual. Im am sure that they are still able to make them visually appealing.


Don’t forget Smolderon, I get headaches from squinting to see anything there

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Biggest problem imo is the mythic add cone that rotates, everything else, while not ideal, is fairly easy to distinguish.

I don’t know who thought these mechanics were a good idea. I did the fight on LFR on Wednesday and it may have been the most god awful thing I’ve ever seen in a raid. Thematically and mechanically this boss is a train wreck and negative fun.


Compared to halondrus and painsmith, this fight is pretty tame. It’s not the most interesting fight, but none of it is bad per say, especially compared to s#% shows like Dathea (if you wanna talk about poorly designed bosses).

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H Dathea was one of the best raid bosses in this expansion



They had to design this fight with visibility as part of the difficulty. Those beams are incredibly slow moving and easy to dodge except you can’t see them.

I was thinking the same thing about matrix. I went to run out with a bomb after a tank swap and ran through two walls without seeing them.

The matrix is additionally annoying because additional lines become active after each subsequent intermission, so my eyes have to re-adjust to the barriers and it sorta throws off my mental sense of the play space due to how much more constrained it gets.


That is some serious stockholm syndrome and a really dumb statement. Nymue is an awful fight because of all the green on green on green visuals. All that is causing real physical pain and strain on the eyes and brain for the person looking at it. Let’s just induce seizure flashes that could send you to the ER while we’re at it, all in the name of difficulty of course.


If you think her framerate is bad, wait til you get on Tindral. That fight is the only time in the game where my new gaming pc lags. It also kicks all the fans on to overdrive, sounds like I’m driving an F1 car.

The only ‘green’ mechanic that matters, even on Mythic, are the stun lines, which aren’t hard to see because they’re slow-moving laser walls. You only need 2-3 people to soak the regular puddles, but it’s all hands on deck for the red ones.

They could probably change the tint a hair, but I think the Mythic add’s AoE is much harder to see, since it’s ridiculously faint in appearance and color.

That’s not what I meant. I meant it must be intentional for them to have done this because otherwise the fight would be trivial. As in, the devs intended for part of the difficulty of this fight to be purely from not being able to see well. Which sucks.

Straight up malicious game design.

It’s either that, or gross incompetence. And I know Blizzard developers aren’t incompetent.

I beg to differ, nothing but incompetence explains them still not fixing the issue with defiles dynamic graphic overlaying important ground aoes/visuals.


I still think most of the visuals are fairly recognizable with the exception of the mythic add cone, which is actually difficult to see.

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