Ny'alotha, the Waking City: The Corruptor's end - Can't turn in

Returning player from 2019. Was level 120. Returned to game as a level 50. I am now Level 72. I keep abandoning TWW campaign that keeps automatically appearing as an accepted quest in my quest log because this quest keeps locking me out of the Chamber of Heart.

I’m also on “Visions of N’Zoth” quest, Remnants of a Shattered World which I have yet to complete.

Black Empire Campaign

  • Received Quest Ny’alotha, the Waking City: The Corruptor’s End
  • Went to various instances across the game world. Ended up at the assigned instance in Uldum. NY’ALOTHA
  • Meet Wrathion just inside the entrance. Wrathion transforms
  • I defeated a Dragon. Was this Wrathion?
  • Wrathion makes a speech after and now he’s just standing there next to the corps of Ki’Merax. The quest seems stuck.
  • N’Zoth, the Corruptor defeated” is the message under the quest in my quest log So I’ve done as the quest said.

Now what?

I can’t interact with Wrathion. I went back to the Chamber of Heart and NADA. Nothing! The Quest Tracking icons keep showing up over Ny’Alotha raid instance in Uldum but there’s nothing updated once I’m inside. Wrathion stands over the corpse and I can’t interact with him. Quest Logs states: “N/zoth, the Corruptor defeated”.

Please help.


I moved on from the quest listed above and am trying to complete the Battle of Dazar’alor Raid/Quest for the Zandalar campaign. After defeating King Rastakhan the door that I’m supposed to open in the King’s chamber has no interaction cog. GG Blizz.

What in the world is going on with this game? These are two of the main storyline quests that become INACCESSIBLE due to whatever the #@$! is going on with returning players and not being able to complete content because of bugs that apparently have been around since the last time I played in 2019.