Nvm whatever

If your friend told you that, then we know he’s def the gray parser

Then prove it, link his parse, i can 100% guarantee he did not just hit 2 buttons and im betting he also 2-3 healed a fight, so please, if you’re gonna run your mouth then back it up


Your defense is that they are a complete and total moron who should be laughed out of existence. Hps is only effective heals and focusing on it hurts the raid group. You should play into your niche (DR, damage, trickle healing, burst healing) and ignore the parse entirely.

Most raids bring a holy paladin even if they have a ret. They just aren’t their aura.

I’m not super up to date on necro holy but you can smash big burst aoe healing. As well as land a lot of needed spot healing.

Your druid friend can’t spam rejuv and regrowth if you don’t have a good spot healer. They’ll have to stop to spot heal which will crush their hps.

Most high end guilds will look at healer damage parses rather than healing parses. If your Druid is able to keep everyone topped just get pink and orange damage parses every pull. Hpal isn’t meant to have the same hps throughput as Rdruid anyway. Do Hpal stuff and do big damage and you’ll be playing correctly.


MW dps needs serious help (in dungeons). I understand that they are afraid of AToTM being god-tier, but isn’t it just an easy rebalancing?

Buff Tiger Palm, BOK, and RSK by 100%, and nerf the healing by whatever the equalizing amount would be. I’m not sure why that is difficult?

I main a resto druid and in raids find the gameplay a bit more involved than your friend is letting on, but also super enjoyable!

Do it, it’s a great class! However, if you’re always chasing what you perceive to be flavour of the month without taking the time to inspect your play, you may not find what you’re looking for. I do wish you luck though… druids are awesome! I’ve been playing one as a main on and off since 2005 :smiley:

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If everyone played perfectly, people would all be 11/11 mythic.

Because the paladin is in melee and the people that need the most healing are very far behind them baiting at range. Paladins also have to constantly be moving for blue swirls while range healers can just plant and pump a ton of heals so the bar to parse good as a range healer is high while for melee its a lot lower. And they are your only paladin so the dr aura isn’t even being accounted for in the hps

If your goal as a healer is to see huge parses, then sure, roll a druid. We’re the hps kings in raid right now simply because of how our spec works versus the damage profile of the raid (small incremental aoe damage or rot damage versus huge tank busters like what we’ve had in previous tiers). If your goal is to progress, any healer is effective. Not everything is shown in details. A lot of guilds were running a single disc priest and a single hpal. Bet their hps wasn’t insane but they were there for a reason.

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For the first time the trinity (Paladin, disc priest and Shaman) is not seen so much anymore and I am surprised that people are crazy about the holy priest, druid and MW (these last two have almost nothing to contribute in raid) alone. … I don’t understand, since I can remember it has always been “Disc priest, paladin and Rshammy” but it was thanks to his great utility and damage mitigation kit and the other healers we had? almost nothing (except the holy thanks to its latest changes) I feel that it is better this way and if you want some kind of balance, then the only way would be to give the monk and druid some utility or mitigation in raid and there they can be on par.

Aren’t some classes, like druids, better at raid healing? While some clases, like paladins, better at healing tanks? You don’t think raid heals would parse “better” or look better on the meters?