NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M (legacy GPU - iMAC)

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M is supported on my iMAC in Mac OS. But I have always got better performance from Windows 10.

I now get a GPU driver out of date message. But the game loads and plays fine with 1440p at 60fps. The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M was retired from drivers as of Nvidia driver 425.31 which is installed. I play in Dx11 mode with zero issues.

10/16 06:00:32.753 LogOpen
10/16 06:00:32.753 World of Warcraft Retail x86_64
10/16 06:00:32.753 Windows 10 (10.0.19041) x86_64
10/16 06:00:32.753 Intel® Core™ i7-4771 CPU @ 3.50GHz | Sockets:1 Cores:4 Threads:8
10/16 06:00:32.753 24 GB System Memory
10/16 06:00:32.753 On AC Power - Battery Not Present
10/16 06:00:32.945 Adapter 0: “NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M” family:Kepler vendor:0x10de device:0x119e driver(0x190015000e09e3) location:1 dx11:true dx12:false
10/16 06:00:32.945 Monitor 0 “Generic PnP Monitor” Size(2560x1440) Pos(0x0)
10/16 06:00:32.945 Nvidia driver version: r419_50
10/16 06:00:32.981 Choosing gpu with monitor attached: “NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M”
10/16 06:00:33.403 NotifyOnDeviceCreate
10/16 06:00:33.403 Dx11 Device Create Successful
10/16 06:00:33.403 Yes
10/16 06:00:33.434 Detected Graphics Defaults: 5 (CPU = 7, GPU = 5, MEM = 7)
10/16 06:00:33.514 Render Settings Changed. New Render Size: 2560x1440
10/16 06:00:58.303 Render Settings Changed
10/16 06:02:13.333 Dx11 Device Destroy
10/16 06:02:13.333 NotifyOnDeviceDestroy
10/16 06:02:14.010 GxShutdown