Number 1 Feral Druid in the World Not Eligible for “Tormented Hero” Title

Bro seriously i tried DH and it’s super complicated especially Momentum, i mean wow having to keep up your momentum buff and using Essence Break to dump rage is crazy hard…IDK how these DH Gods do it

Facts DH is easily the most complex dps class in the game

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I have to agree Ferals are trash

100% this, Feral is a joke compared to the immense amount of keybinds Havoc DH requires

Feral is ALOT harder than DH wtf r u even saying

Nah bruh, Feral is for noobs Havoc DH is for gamers

WW here, i agree Feral is easy compared to the Demonic build…the positioning, amount of keybinds, and resources you have to manage is nuts

Did you hop on 9 alts to agree AND disagree with yourself? That’s certainly … a move.


Idk what you’re talking about cant help it people agree with me dawg. That mage that didnt agree sucks though

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I have to say, I respect the commitment to whatever this is.

All of you have similar achievement points and a few are in the same guild, it’s super obvious.

I play Havoc DH, and I would say that in M+, Havoc DH demonic build is probably the easiest mdps set-up to maximize. Momentum is harder than demonic but still easier than feral IMO. Please make a feral and play it in some 10 keys because it will allow you to look back on these comments in a few years and giggle.

Momentum isnt hard man. Dh doesnt have a hard spec.

that being said i can log on my 235 WW and do more damage overall then this decently gear DH…that IS AN ISSUE

Never played feral i wouldnt know. I’m 100% not gonna play a class that requires me to go into moonkin form to maximise my dps…Plus without a group of friends going feral you’re literally trolling yourself…i only pug. havnt done a group thing this expansion but feral can pump sure

Should be moved to .3% simply due to the lack of balance at higher end m+.

There will never be full parity at the top. Some creatures survive in extreme conditions, most can’t. That said, I’d be surprised if we ever see balance as good as it is right now. Sure, you could point to some specs that aren’t represented in the top 100 keys, but not many.

All 6 tanks
5/6 healers
9/12 classes represented as damage

That’s just the top 100 players by rating.

Shadow is 103
Dk is 206
Couldnt find ret in the top 500, but both prot and holy are highly represented in high keys.

This is better balance than has ever been achieved.

Edit: I lied, mistweaver is 54 on the score leader boards. Should have also said, 5/5 healer classes (since disc and holy are both priest)


Feral is badly designed for keys currently. As far as top 0.1% for keys that shouldn’t be affected by spec and it’s not even out yet.

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For real? The lovely gnome who heals you “Gummy” is 10th in the world for MW and they wouldn’t be eligible for this title either.

For alliance? They are, it’s subject to change the rating. Once we know for sure we can achieve it. But currently the weeks are terrible to play on so taking our time.

Yeah, this is really the core problem. Keys (especially as you get higher) are more and more about killing a large amount of mobs inside cooldown windows - this is only going to become more true once AoE abilities are moved from hard to soft caps.

Feral absolutely sucks horrible amounts of bum at this because our only AoE damage is sustained over a long period of time, and our only AoE spender is a talent for some reason. The problem can’t really be solved long-term without expansion level changes to the talent rows and damage breakdown of the spec, which really sucks. The best they can do right now is bandaid buff Primal Wrath impact damage.

We’re only great for single target sustained damage which works really well in a raid environment where you have lots of other specs to handle the burst AoE requirements (if any).


Sadly true. I’ve done some high keys as feral and mythic bosses. Feral great in raid. Usually top 3 dps. In keys I can not keep up with other classes. Sure our st is strong but in keys other classes do that role better. Utility also from feral is worse than other druid specs so why bring a feral?