Nullbot is immune during Awakening the Machine

So I attempted this event twice now, and in both cases the run ended because the Nullbot became immune as it was giving another mob immunity. Since the cast was on a ridiculously long channel, and I couldn’t do anything to stop it, I just had to let the mobs kill Kuldas to get out. The second time I was on Wave 19 and it and the medbot were the last ones alive (both immune). Though, that time the Nullbot was evading instead of immune. I had to vanish and hearth to leave the event. I’m gonna shelve this event for now until this is fixed.


Wave 17 DC and come back dead. 2nd try Wave 19 and a med bot and nullbot both immortal. I’m also done with this event until it’s not garbage.

Hey, I ran into this problem today and the solution I found was to drag the currently invincible mob out of range of the null bot causing it to end the spell and then you can just kill like normal. Bit annoy but hope this helps someone!


How were you able to drag the healing bot away from the null mob?

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it was a melee enemy that it was buffing. if its a ranged enemy you might be sol.

The problem happened to me when I tried to use vanish mid-fight and then jump back into the fight right after.

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Another example of Blizzard genius. As ranged all I could do was stand next to the nullbot and hit it with melee which takes about 10 mins to kill. Boring as hell. Well done Devs, you lot need to go find jobs you are actually good at!