"NPC_SCAN" options won't come up

a bit hard to explain but I recently installed NPCScan specifically to get rare pets on my hunter I just finished leveling.

I am trying to get into the options and I type /npcscan as the description on curseforge says. Well not only does nothing happen but it physically does nothing when I hit enter. Like my chat bar just shows /npcscan even after I’ve hit enter…like it gets stuck? If that makes sense…like the command /npscan doesn’t allow me to hit enter. I don’t know how else to explain it.

but I’ve tried deleting and reinstalling npcscan and it still does the same thing.

Probably a change to the API since it’s last update (2020) is causing it to error and not show.

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Might try SilverDragon instead.


yea I read another post about this…I’ll give it a shot thx :+1: