NPCs recognizing our characters in interactions

I can’t remember when it last happened, probably years ago at this point, but I miss when major NPCs and nameless ones alike would regularly recognize my characters for their past deeds in interactions. Whether in actual quest dialog or just by clicking on them/their extra flavor lines it’s nice when someone says “Highlord Lenarius, it’s you! Remember when we teamed up to take down a corrupted titan? Good times!” or whatever. No offense, but there’s only so much “CHAMPION!” I can take.

I know it can be repetitive but, in the future, could we have more of this? Even if you’re not an RPer this really helps with the immersion and personalization of playing the game.


One of the main reasons I enjoy Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor is because of this. It doesn’t feel like you’re following someone else’s story but that you’re there with your friends doing an adventure together.

I think another thing missing is the characters that follows us between expansions that aren’t major characters. A great example of this is Admiral Taylor which we quest together with over several zones/expansions, you really felt connected to him.

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