NPC transmog that Players can't get

I’m not sure if most of the players aren’t paying attention or just don’t really care but…

I see a lot of transmog pieces that NPC’s uses but players can’t get them. I’m not talking about pieces like Gorehowl or Frostmourne I am talking about pieces that common NPC uses but players can’t get.

I would like everyone to leave a list of some kind of all the weapons and armor appearance that are ingame and cant be obtained but NPC’s use them.

also I would say that it has to be pieces that make sense for classes I know some NPC’s bypass the whole class weapons/armor restriction and such.

Why don’t you start us off by posting a few yourself?

I’d really like that shield with the Icon of Torment Dreadguards have. Far as I can tell that doesn’t exist in game as a player item.

As a human fire mage rolling with Ulduar’s red Kirin Tor set, I really want that red tabard Aethas Sunreaver is wearing, Sunreaver Tabard, which is horde only item. But oh well, Tabard of the Kirin Tor works as well, along with my Arcane Intellect Kirin Tor glyph and Archmage title.

I doubt it exists as an item at all. Most non-human NPCs are complete models, not paper dolls with item slots. If a demon is holding or wearing an item, it’s probably baked into its model and doesn’t exist as an independent item.

There is a Recolor of The paladin tier 2 set, the shoulders chest and Gloves were part of the Wrath event pre-launch event. This same set is worn by many of NPC’s in the Paladin order hall
, I have the Set from the Wrath Event, but i really wish they would make the rest of the set available, at least the helm and belt, the pants and boots are covered by the robe.

I want to be able to duplicate the outfit I get when I use the Jewel of Hellfire. (Actually, I want to be able to duplicate that entire appearance, but even with the customization update I doubt red skin will be an option :slight_smile: )

I’d like these plate chests to match the other armor that is in game:

I’de like the long coats/dusters the kul Tiran NPCs sometimes wear. Not the heritage set but the plain Jane ones.

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Weapons - Tauren Totems (seen in thunderbluff, vanilla/classic zones, & the hyjal raid)
Weapons - Spellbreaker Glaive/double sword+Shield Skins (Blood Elf)
Weapons - Night Elf Glaive/double sword Skin
Weapons - Nightborne Glaive/double sword Skin
Named NPC - Vanilla-Legion “Saurfang” Appearance (Glove+Boot+Shirt appearance) These are all unattainable skins as they have different 3d Models but some of the items use the same painted textures as obtainable items.
All of the “ORIGIONAL” starting shirts for horde before they were converted into “chest items”
EX: Orange “Thug Shirt” Trolls, & Black “Thug Shirt” Undead, these are some of the very few items with arm bands within game.