“I heard little hearts beating… Yesss… beating faster now. Soon the beating will stop!”
This sounds like something Lucifuge might say
“I heard little hearts beating… Yesss… beating faster now. Soon the beating will stop!”
This sounds like something Lucifuge might say
Did you think we had forgotten? Did you think we had forgiven?
Break yourselves upon my body
Ah, I’ve been expecting you.
I’m convinced Lucifuge was really Nexus-Prince Shaffar all along. There is this void connection with the ethereals after all.
“Deathwing will have his way with your Stone mother!”
“I believe we should trade with all races and creeds! Except the naga. Horrible creatures”
As long as we rule the skies, you will ALWAYS be beneath us!
More work?
“I do parties! In fact…I am the party!”
“Fish are weird.”
“I like Tortollans.”
The truth is out there.
I hear little hearts beating.
Yes… beating faster now…
Soon the beating will stop.
Shh… it will all be over soon.
“Ashes to Ashes…”
I am the beginning of the end…the shadow which blots out the sun…the bell which tolls your doom. For this moment ALONE was I made. Look upon your death, mortals, and despair!
I’m gonna light you up, sweet cheeks
“I am the darkness and the light!”
“this world will burn with the masters return”
my favorite however.
“He calls you, he KNOWS you.”
(sweet voiced): What brings you here?
Yeah, what do you want?