When the skies shattered over Icecrown, one arrival went almost unnoticed in the chaos. A small creature apparated in the snowy bluffs, perched upon a much larger and more conspicuous Devourer. It was wrapped in robes of the Travelers, and above faintly glowing goggles sat a battered and oft-mended red hat.
The being held up a device much like a pocket-watch but with many more dials and knobs. As the veil tore, there had been a moment, an opportunity, and with the chronometer’s chirping in synchronicity he knew it had been the right one. Gloved hands raise cracked goggles from blue, care-worn eyes. A single word escapes the gnome’s cracked lips.
((So Mixler is back! I’ve already reached out to some folks, and was so heart-warmed to see that the embers of the Guildwatch have been left glowing. We’ve created a cross-realm community group to try and bring the diaspora of veterans together. I wish we’d had these tools back in the day. In case you’re not a part yet, search for Guildwatch in game and add us! You’ve been missed.))
Wb Mix! Im no longer Alliance, but I love when I see names I know coming back
Hi, Mixler, old friend! Great to see you back.!
looks up at the now broken sky
Oh great…hic! That’s the last time I ride the bike after a night at the pub. Hope nobody saw me hit urp that. Bad enough I ran over that crazy knife ears with the wings and glowing tattoos the other year. Although you could say he wasn’t prepared…hic!
(( Hello. o/ ))