Now that there's a corruption vendor, what's the best corruption for Fury?

Stick with TD for now imo. TD3 is all or nothing, you can’t gradually equip that DH as your resistance increases. However if you wear the DH now, you can gradually add severe as you catch up on the cloak. Without looking at your warrior, I imagine your gear may not be permanent, and if you’re not using the putrificants until you get the resistance, you’ll be less likely to replace the pieces.

While both corruptions are subject to scaling and gear reliance, I think Severe is a bit more so. TD gives a hard to beat damage boost right now.

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BoTE major, C&S, BoTD, and CoF minors I think. Everything is rank 3 except BoTE which is rank 2. That honor grind is killing me but I’m only about 3k away now.

Just so that I don’t have to start a new topic, I am wondering about the value of TD III (75 corruption) vs Severe 3 (15 corruption). How do they match? given that Severe III will eventually come to the vendor, would it be better to replace TD III with, let’s say, 4 or 5 Severe? focus on M+, with a balance between ST and MT damage (maybe leaning a bit to MT).

Also, what’s the recommended corruption for upper M+? below 40 or below 60?

From what I’ve seen here and read if you’re looking to purchase I would purchase Severe III over TD as when used properly it will give you better returns in all situations.

However, for random procs I’ve kept a bit of TD on because for M+, when it does proc, it’s nice. So I haven’t cleansed them to replace with anything.

As for your corruption level, that’s based on your play style and your ability to deal with the effects. If you are a player that can avoid avoidable damage and react to The Thing then by all means stack that corruption up and enjoy those numbers. If you have trouble with avoiding avoidable damage or are like me and can never seem to see The Thing until it’s in your face exploding, then I’d suggest staying below 40.

For higher keys? Below 40 without a doubt. I promise if you check out all the top key pushers, you won’t find a single dps warrior running 40 or higher. A triple Thing spawn will one shot you, and could easily sink an entire key by itself.

Severe III is 20 corruption, but the principle stands. So on MDI, people like Anda were indeed running straight Severe/GW with no TD. That said GW is no longer competitive. A lot of people are considering going all in on Severe and I think it’s a decent idea, but I did check in on Anda’s discord while writing this and he said he’s going to be staying TD3+Severe on live. I’d already planned the same myself, though I’ve been tempted to get rid of TD3 since I’m sick and tired of pulling off my tank by whirlwinding.

This could impact your sims a bit. I don’t know of anyone still running CoF - that slot is pretty much either PP or Iris. Iris will seriously increase the value of everything but haste and is generally the go-to except for either constant really big pulls, or places that give great value for aberration damage. Ranking up BotE will obviously inflate the value of crit with the crit damage on the active, and more uptime on the haste proc.

I see. Yea I think I was swapping between PP, Iris, and CoF over the last couple weeks just doing some testing. Before I was running PP and then I recently obtained Iris rank 3 so I decided to do a trial run with different combinations of the 3. I also recently learned that my Arms set is simming around 10k dps higher than my fury set lol, go figure (not to much surprise by me, I focus on PvP so therefore I focus more on gearing for Arms). I have yet to play Arms in PvE yet though, fury is just easier and more forgivable imo.

Twilight Dev isn’t worth buying because of the Nzoth Axe which comes with TD.

Is the GW corruption on raidbots pre or post nerf ? Asking because its telling me go 3 severe and 3 GW over 6 severe

Pretty sure raidbots has had the nerf since mid-last week, as long as you’re using the ‘Nightly’ version. For me, adding a Gushing Wounds outperforms another Severe by about .4% on patchwork - the more multi-target focused I make the sim, the faster and further GW drops below it.

Single or multi-target?

That was single . I will do more sims with aoe sims later this week . Might try and set up a full severe and a severe GW setup if I can

Thanks for the more comprehensive answer!

Yeah, I’ve been using a 475 Ge’thikku and a 470 Devastation’s Hour.

TD feels so good when it goes off though. I’ll have to wait to see if it’s worth swapping out with another 475 with Severe III.