Now that the incubus is patched in

How about reversing covering up the succubus? The incubus is less clad than the succubus now. Also, your covering up of pinup art-style paintings has been shown to be hollow with your corporate culture. While you’re at it, revert the fruit paintings back to that of scantily-clad women. If you want gender equality, make some skimpy armor for men.


You mean this one ?

Model updated in 1.4.0

Current high res model added in Legion

I think the current design looks better imo. I wouldn’t mind the bikini but they will never bring it back.


Let it go, man.


Random Swarf Trivia!

Swarf once felt spontaneously compelled to look in a mirror and try duplicating the Succubus butt smacking gesture. :smiling_imp:

Swarf was disturbed by the experience. :scream:

Swarf never attempted this again. :weary:


That should have stayed in the game. The skins should have also received an update when the dev team revised the textures. Now with the incubus, they should definitely revert back to the original succubus in the bikini.


Whatever happened with that model taht got floated in Legion with the tight leather pants and spiked armor? Did that ever make it into the game? I really liked that one. I remember a bunch of the typical culture warrior dipstick types getting up in arms about how they were desexualizing the succubus because she was showing less skin (tell me you don’t know what a dominatrix is without telling me you don’t know what a dominatrix is), but I don’t know what ever came of it.

I love scantily clad women as much as the next lesbian, but the continued whining about this is truly just pathetic.


This thread would’ve been better if you just asked for more glyph options instead of going on another stupid rant about the stupid paintings. No better way to guarantee that your requests will be ignored.


OP, I just wanted to tell you that there’s all sorts of stuff on the internet for free. You don’t have to get it from WoW.

You’re welcome!


OP could have just asked for glyphs but nooooooo lets talk more about the paintings that surely haven’t been talked to death about


So this is a numbers question about using the succubus/incubus. If I chose to use it over the felguard how much dps would I lose in doing so. I really like the incubus and would love to use it. I am using the dog build if that matters. Not demonic strength/vile fiend.

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I cant summon my succubus anymore even when I want to and my warlock was my first toon I ever made on this account. It will always go to summon the other one. Ive had it that way since Vanilla so please fix it Blizz.

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Go talk to the warlock trainer you go to for the quest the succubus gives you


I’m not exactly one for censorship, but the outfit on the current succubus is one I infinitely prefer over the vanilla outfit.

Vanilla is like… borderline wearing nothing.

Sexuality and sensuality are fine, but there is a point where it becomes so gratuitous that it borders on the ludicrous. Currrent succubus is just the right amount of skimpy.

No. Only inc and suc. No others can be traded in. The two are slightly opposites in lore. Slightly but not completely. Not talking WoW lore. Talking world lore.

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…huh? Lol, I don’t think that answered my question but I appreciate your response about lore. :blush:

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Haha gods that bikini looks awful. xD Has nothing to do with showing skin or whatnot - the style of it is just not great! And the colors… The updated model looks 10,000x better even discounting all the extra polygons.


There’s a glyph that can do that:

There’s also this one:

And this one:


Sweeeet. Now I just need a reason to ever actually summon one for anything other than standing around town.

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She looks fine and is barely any different from her low-res model

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You’d be seriously hamstringing your dps.

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