Now that the Horde has arrived on Khaz Algar and is officially helping the various factions

I mean… That was kind of Saurfang’s conclusion. Then Anduin is like “no bro, I’m here to tell you how poggers the horde is! Bet.”

Saurfang was like “Yep. She’s actually a good warchief. Turns out I don’t like the horde, anymore.”

Had Saurfang believed he would win the Mok’Gora he would never have challenged her. He didn’t have the heart to run the horde and he wasn’t sharp enough to be a better strategist than Sylvanas. He wasn’t even seeing obvious things. He was an “old soldier”.

Yep, and the people telling the story are trying to suggest Anduin’s version is correct. As is often the case in this game, everything we see suggests the bad take and then we’ve got blizzcon panels and interviews and tweets trying to spoonfeed us facts that aren’t supported by anything we witness happening.


I’d be satisfied if, for a moment Anduin paused, looked at the horde that they have basically subdued and absorbed, and said, “Oh… I was wrong. We didn’t save the horde from Sylvanas.”

The uncomfortable truth of the orcs on Draenor is Mannoroth just poured a bunch of Mt. Dew in a bucket. There was no fel blood or corruption, just orcs being orcs hopped up on caffeine and sugar.

Tbf, maybe that’s why I like horde. Pretty much how I sit down to chain BGs

Whether it is the shining hero, or the edgy anti-villain. Most people want to play the protagonist.

I know that some people would like a morally nuanced edge to the Horde. (and other places, look at some of the recent discussion about Elune.). But Blizzard is literally incapable of giving us anything but mustache twirling antagonists.


It is depressing, because WC3 - WotLK nailed it, and it’s just been a bunch of wet fart noises from Siege of Orgrimmar onward. Garrosh’s north star was honoring the memory of Grom, so he drinks a bunch of Y’shaarj corruption and makes the orcs drink it too.
