Now Available: Queue for Battlegrounds from Anywhere

perhaps do transmog so I can have a happy wife?

Ah okay, so you are a retail tourist who is scared to show that they don’t actually play classic. Thanks for confirming :slight_smile:

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Hun you know that blood elves are just as cringe right lol

But you don’t hold that standard against the new LFG tool so you’re not even being truthful here

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Ahh, that explains it, you sit in a que and never play. Gotcha.

Blizzard’s adding to that social experience by keeping you on the forums instead of playing.


Lmao, not even close. You are a furry.

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Whatever you have to tell yourself to give yourself the tiniest modicum of a confidence boost.

If you have to lie to yourself to make yourself happy, that’s on you. :woman_shrugging:


Nah I work from home so I just log in during the afternoon.

If you want the ability to teleport to the dungeon, I don’t really care, they can change that. Let’s not pretend that’s what this is about. It’s about avoiding forming your own group. And you’re absolutely able to form your own group from anywhere in the world, which is what takes most of the “queue” time you referenced


It doesn’t make me happy that retail tourists that never hit 1500 in arena are trying to destroy classic.

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Cross realm random Dungeon Finder when?


What does arena rating have to do with level 15 dungeons?


RDF is only a matter of time


Why are you still here? Don’t you have ERP to do in goldshire?

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Its 100% about teleporting lol. At least it is for me. Im a pally. I can dual spec tank and get a grp within 30 seconds. Im not worried about that. Its about the ease of access RFD provides. Its the same ease of access the PvP crowd has gotten now. Id love to be able to go farm and not have to traverse to a dungeon. Thats what is being afforded to the PvPer now.


Lol you are trying so hard. Too bad you just cant understand

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YOU CAN GO FARM while waiting for the dungeon lmao. I leveled herbalism and mining to max while leveling my Shaman inbetween quests and dungeons.

You don’t have to sit in a city to find a dungeon group, thats what the tool is for.

But what about the lasting friendships? You guys are a train wreck and its hilarious to watch lol


Would be fine to even just have it teleport you to the meeting stone and run in together, if it’s restricted to the realm anyway that is

No ones trying to destroy classic.

We’re trying to get rid of Wrath Reforged: SOM, and replace it with Actual Wrath of the Lich King.

Just because you once again, react to decade old technology much like the amish do in absolute distain and think of it as some sort of devils magic that’s going to destroy the world (of warcraft) doesn’t make your opinion remotely valid.

If your so scared of old technology being re-introduced to the game it was introduced in, then go play the older version, Vanilla, and squallor there along with all the other Vanilla-only people and talk about how great the “Good ol days” were.

Your the one trying to change things here, not the Pro-RDF people.


It’s funny that you think I don’t like technology. I write code for a living XD.

I simply don’t want to play a version of the game where I don’t see anybody in the open world while questing.

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