Novice RP player LF Pandaren Themed guild

Hey there folks! As the title would suggest, I’m looking for a guild with Pandaren themes. I’ve always been investing myself in pandaren lore, culture, aesthetic, and I’m just really wanting to be involved in a community that’s based around that. Faction doesn’t matter, but I’d like to talk to some people from those guilds if they see this. That or find a way to get in touch with them to see if my style of panda would fit or if I would mesh with the overall drive of the guild.

If anyone knows of or is a part of one, please feel free to reach out. I’ll get with you as soon as possible! Thank you so much for your time. I really do appreciate it.

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So I wanted to say that there are a couple that come to my mind. Steelpaw Shaodin, The Pandaren Empire, The Zhang Ti Covenant, and my guild: The Kui Zhang Society. The only one of those on alliance is The Pandaren Empire as far as I am aware and I could be missing other guilds as well.

While I can’t speak for any of their guilds I can speak for my own. The Kui Zhang Society (KZ for short) is a Huojin guild with a base in Kun Lai that aims to create a community of Huojin to represent the interests of Huojin, pandaren refuges aligned with the Huojin/horde, and of the New Horde. We have a forum post dedicated to our guild here if you are interested:

Can contact Chentao, Huanfeng, or myself if interested as well.


Hello! As Haofang said above, there are a few different guilds depending on what you are looking for exactly! We used to have other Pandaren guilds on Alliance, but they seem to be inactive for now, and as stated above the guild I belong to is cross faction neutral!

You can check out more information on our forms post here if interested!: [N-RP] The Pandaren Empire is Recruiting!


We have a variety of guilds all catering to different types of characters and playstyles so there should be something for everyone depending on what you’re looking for!

Good guilds mentioned above but here’s a link to find out more information about the Steelpaw Shaodin if you are curious!

Best of luck in your search!


Thank you all for replying to me! My work week is a bit shaky but I really hope you all don’t mind if I get in contact with you or your officials when I can? :slight_smile:

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I would highly recommend any of the 3 above, depending on what kind of Pandaren theme you are looking for.

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While it is currently undergoing some OOC transition (I’m not aware of the details) Jadepaw Dynasty is another long-established guild on the Alliance side.

It’s worth mentioning that many of us - as individuals and as groups - are IC non-aligned. We identify as Pandaren first, and emphasize participation in neutral events. Regardless of where you find a home guild, you’ll still be able to interact with all the guilds mentioned.

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After work I will definitely make sure to leave some requests and questions in their inboxes. I really look forward to migrating over to WA and be in one of these guilds!

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You won’t be disappointed. The Pandaren community here on WRA is probably the best I have interacted with. Hope to interact with you soon!!

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Likewise, friend! I look forward to it!

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