Nothing's more painful

  • Be in a 12 minute Q
  • Getting 4 cr a win all night
  • Partner d/c when q pops
  • lose 24


What happened to premade arenas being insta queue? You’re saying this isn’t true?

Yea idk who told u that

3s are pretty instant. High 2s qs def take a while. Top of the ladder Qs are always longer as well.

1 Like

awee yeeeee

Nice, who was your dps?

Played with a affi

What’s his name?

y u curious

This entire system is fine. The longer Q times are a way to space out play session’s so players spend more time in game and use their time within matches strategically since the next match will likely take just as long to pop again.

The slow climbing CR isn’t an issue. PVPers try to race to the finish with aggressive rating pushing when many of you need to slow down in general. Your content is evergreen so it makes little sense why there’s always a desire for everything to happen quicker in this community (e.g. Q times).

The current speed & cadence of arena matches is not a major concern and is working as intended. There’s more things to be better focused on like bug fixes in your currently available content than system balancing which is very resource intensive on developers.

I am compelled to challenge the assertion time between queues is anything but a menace