Nothing to do

So for those of us who:

  1. Have Epic Edition but don’t want to play early access
  2. Don’t have Epic Edition and can’t play early access

Blizz left us with nothing to do.

  1. Nerfed XP from the prelaunch event, so can’t level alts. (A bug I just found out was fixed, so yay!)
  2. Made Comp Stomp level 80, so can’t run that.
  3. Removed Awakened LFR, so can’t run that.

Particular reason Blizz couldn’t just… ya know… limit XP gains to below level 70 for old content… like they do when you don’t buy a new expansion? That way, the rest of us would have something to do.

I don’t care if EA exists or not.

But for the love of all that is green and good… leave people something to do in the old content before official release day.


That does suck… I just don’t get having EA nad not using it. :person_gesturing_no:


Awe forreal? That’s really lame.

I just did Comp Stomp for the first time yesterday and was going to do some more today…


I’m not in a hurry. This expansion will be around for at least a year and a half. Season doesn’t start for over two weeks.

I also dislike playing with bugs, crowds, lag, people tagging stuff just to tag it, etc.

I love Comp Stomp so much and I’m so sad now. :frowning:


Yep, Blizzard punishing players for not paying to win is not a new concept.


I expected better. Clearly I was wrong.

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Spending the time updating talent builds on all my characters kills a lot of time.

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Make sense.

So far it’s been smooth sailing for me except for a few disconnects.


I hear is waaah i don’t want to use early access but there is nothing to do. blizz fix it

What’s stupid is I was watching a streamer doing comp stomp this afternoon at 70.

And bnet doing that stupid thing where it initializes for 5 years until you kill it with the task manager.


Yeah, they didn’t change it until the exact time early access started… and then the NPCs went up to level 80 while people were in Comp Stomp.

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Just adding I paid for early access and also am waiting to join.

First because I have a job

Second because as op stated I’m not trying to get constantly dc’d, deal with bugs or 400+ people attempting to kill mobs.

I also never understood the need to rush through new content. This is an RPG people.

Actually look around, talk to every NPC, enjoy the world.


Nothing to report on that front.

One of the smoothest launches I’ve ever seen.


I am running around looting all the packs, chests, tackleboxes, dirt, seeds and killing rares. Mine all mine!!!

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LOL I love it, that’s awesome. :slight_smile:


…it’s four days.

Four days.

You’ll survive.

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LOL!!! Hilariously, after I posted the thread, I looked at that and thought the same. :rofl:

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:dollar: Yes, yes they do. Bli$$ard has gone green a while ago. :dollar: