Nothing special or groundbreaking

As a returning player and a newcomer to WrA I would just like to type that this place is way cooler when it stays in its wheelhouse of creative thinking, storytelling, joking and RP.

Cheers y’all!

Thanks for reading this simple but meaningful post. I truly appreciate it. :slightly_smiling_face:


Well any least none of us have set ourselves on fire yet, so we’ve got that going for us.

Pay no attention to my mog- it’s all cosmetic.


No fire puns, no fire puns, no fire puns…

…whoo, okay.

Sorry, that got me a little heated.


Yeah WRA is a great server with a lot of creative folks


Aye! Leave it to a Vulp-errrr…. tinger? To throw fire puns at a Night Elf. Hahahaaa!

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Hmm. Annoying Bel’ameth kaldorei with fire puns. There’s an idea…

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Welcome to WrA, Sylvaern. I appreciate your opinion, but I’d urge you to reconsider what you think of as “our wheelhouse.” Creative pursuits are but one piece of the puzzle here. Like any good television series, we’re not defined only as mobsters of the written word. We’re the extended family, the old quarrels, the complicated relationship status, the skeleton in the closet. This makes us strong. It’s why we endure, when others falter.

Anyway, tell us about your character!

Howdy! I greatly appreciate your welcome and will reconsider my thoughts on WrA from a forums perspective. Maybe just avoid the forums altogether. It’s only a game even though we are real people behind these characters. I also will gladly share my character’s story with any who kindly walk-up to him in game. Gotta try and keep the two cleanly seperate. :v:

Have you joined the WCP Discord? It also has a community separate from the forums.

I’d encourage you to stick around! I tend to agree that I have the most fun here within the context of WoW. I think it just becomes a matter of engaging with what threads you want to engage with, and avoiding those that nosedive into the combative or frustrating. There’s quite often very good discussions here.


Indeed. I think this is true.

My time on the forums has improved immensely ever since I realized that I can mute any thread I want and I don’t have to justify it to anyone.

Is it dumb to feel stressed out about a thread where people are being mean for the 40th time about a race/expansion/RP concept I like? Maybe. Is it also dumb to let it hijack my attention and stress me out when the mute function exists and using it doesn’t hurt anybody? Yes, I think so.


Try out what I do- crappost on the forums. Be an agent of chaos. But also recognize that the forums are a microcosm- the vast majority of WrA players don’t even post here.

Also check out Bel’ameth- it’s a cross-faction sanctuary and full of elves! That may be good or bad depending on your sensibilities.


Only sensible thing to do.

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Helpful suggestions. Thank you.

I’m sure that a path will present itself in game as I level. It always does.
