<Nothing Personal> [H] 8/8H 3/8M Recruiting

Guild: <Nothing Personal> Thrall
Faction: Horde
Raid Times/Days: Tuesday and Thursday 8:30-11:30pm EST
Current Progression: 8/8H, 3/8M
Battletag Contacts: Spacebar#1143, Arvandar#1292, Cowsonparade#11155
Discord Contacts: Spacebar#8798, Arvandar#9248, Mx#1016

Recruitment needs (18+ only please): We are currently looking to add one healer and several dps to strengthen our mythic raid team. We will consider all applicants outside of our immediate needs, if we seem like a fit for you, please contact us!
Healer: Holy Priest/Holy Paladin/Shaman
Ranged DPS: Mage/Warlock/Hunter (everything welcome though)
Melee DPS: DH (Everything welcome as well)

Some History:
The leadership of <Nothing Personal> has played together since vanilla/bc under the flag of <Chuapthingy> on Akama. At the end of Mists of Panderia the guild server transferred (due to a dieing server) to Thrall and reformed under the name <You Had Me At ZugZug> with the goal of pushing mythic content with a 3 day/week raid schedule. ZugZug was consistently in the top 5-8 guild rankings on Thrall throughout WoD and halfway through Legion. During Nighthold the GM and raid leader decided to step down due to the game conflicting with school/work related activities. Since then the guild reformed into <Nothing Personal> with the goal of progressing mythic content with a 6 hour per week (two day) raid schedule.

About us:
<Nothing Personal> has a core team of high end mythic progression raiders with the goals of progressing mythic content on a 6 hour per week raid schedule. However, we understand that this is just a game and realize that the game isnt everything. We only ask that our raiders come prepared and if they cant make it to raid let us know. We are currently seeking more guild/raid members to help improve our roster in our journey through WoW. We want to focus on progression, but our goal is to not sacrifice fun. We expect our raiders to be knowledgeable about their roles and have a progressive mindset when coming to raid but to also have fun. We have a number of people who play other games outside of WoW as well, and encourage everyone to hang out and have fun outside of the raid enviroment.

(Due to the forums not allowing links, Discord and Wowprogress links available at request)