Notes about S4 Open World rewards

I did not see any info about this in the official Season 4 notes so I thought a topic about it would be in order from what I have observed:

It seems like specific activities become empowered each week. These empowered activities award a Veteran track item (likely 1 per week). A weekly quest also rewards 1 champion track item.

For example, this week hunts, feasts and Dragonsbane Keep are empowered, and I received a Veteran track trinket from a hunt.

It was interesting to note that the time rift vendors seem to be disabled at this time as well.

Feel free to post other things that have been updated for the open world that I missed since this information seems to have been left out of the season 4 notes last time I checked.


So now the Superbloom and other weeklies in Emerald Dream are no longer useful unless tied to the weekly in Valdrakken? And looks like only one chance for a reward per week if that’s the case.

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I’m still checking on things so I don’t know about the Emerald Dream, but I noticed that the Dreamsurge vendors are also disabled seemingly for this week as well.


Dreamsurge no longer has a vendor

Can accept the Quest to get the surges, and vote , but no vendor


They are still a decent source of flightstones. I knocked out the ZC and ED ones pretty quickly after reset for that reason.

FYI i got 15k gold from the Valdrakken weekly

Will have to check it out tomorrow when I can play.

Just finished a Superbloom and it awarded an Explorer’s track item. So it seems non-empowered weekly activities are Explorer track, empowered weekly activities are Veteran, and the Weekly quest is Champion.

I just wish it gave something of value, like at this point is it really worth playing just so i can log on and get a piece of champion gear a week? Im not going to bother doing the item lv grind again for no reason. I dont see why those bullion arent dropping from the world bosses are something?

yeah I have bern getting 480 and 489 gear with one piece of 502 from the big weekly.

I am not sure which gear will work for tier though.

Looks like the new drops from the weekly quests in the zones are not upgradeable to tier. I got a head, legs, and shoulder for my druid so far and none of them will be able to convert to tier. Worthless.

And nothing can be tier.

That’s a shame. The single weekly quest at the very least should have been.

Last season my alts could catalyze 8/8 Veteran gear… have you tried catalyzing a fully upgraded piece (I thought the catalyst was also down… zero’d charges and no new charge for S4?)?

I haven’t finished the weekly on any character yet. Fingers crossed for one.

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You got lucky