Notable Differences Between Cataclsym Classic 4.4.0 and Original Cataclysm 4.0.3a

Well… here’s one of the first posts you made on this thread that is hard to call anything but rude:

Here are some quotes from the person who was told he “does not speak for everyone”:

Both things were simply said to be dismissive, while adding little to the discussion, and the statements themselves were ruder than “you don’t speak for everyone”.

“You don’t speak for everyone” I don’t even consider rude… because people can only speak for themselves. So that’s more of a truth.

Then you wrote an invalidating remark that was also rude claiming that “Blizzard listened to you” by removing void storage, which is a weird flex.

I’m not going to keep posting abot this as to not derail, but overall I think these forums would be a lot better if people were open minded and respectful. If people don’t care about whatever it’s nicer to not say anything. That’s one of the first things toddlers are taught.


To be fair, most class related bugs are server-sided. No client build can fix that.
That said, game is broken.

“It’s not a bug, it’s a feature”

I’m not sure if this was just mis-worded but the 5 hunter pets weren’t placed in your stable. You could just tame up to 5 at a certain level and you had them in your pocket at all times to call/dismiss outside of stable.


I’m a bit confused why everyone is so up-in-arms over void storage? Since appearences are saved to your appearence tab…why do you need it?

Many items that could be deposited in the void storage are not XMOG items (trinkets, certain holiday items, trophies, rings/necks etc) and can only be obtained once per character. Even regarding transmog items, many players prefer to retain the item itself and not merely the appearance.
Void Storage was added while transmog was already an option and you were not able to transmog items that were in Void Storage. It was explicitly advertised as an alternate storage space for items players wanted to hold onto, not merely a transmog storage bin.
It would be like Blizzard removing fishing from the game but adding in a fish mount. They are entirely unrelated.


It’s a minor annoyance but still a feature from Cataclysm that should be working and isn’t.

Perhaps people want to keep their legacy items that they’ve been hoarding and avoid Storage was a way to de-clutter.


As usual, you guys rush things and release them in incomplete states. Such a clown fiesta, lol

Thank God my sub runs out in 30 minutes, bye lol.


I don’t think I brought enough cheese for all this whine. It will all be okay people, do a little spring cleaning of your bank.


You all can stop playing and see and feel what the sun is like these days…


Any word on the “streamlined AH”? What it is, when it’s getting added?

ok I kind of get where you are coming from.

Thanks for the clarification!

It’s been in. Cata updated the AH originally, typical weirdos extrapolated on their own it meant DF AH and then got mad at something Blizzard never confirmed.

So why did Call Stabled Pet get removed and replaced with Call Pet 1-5?


PLEASE PLEASE delay the release for a couple of months untill you have devoted enough rescources to get the game in relatively good working order. PLEASE! I would much rather wait for a bit longer and get a better product than deal with the buggy mess that is the beta right now, i doubt that im alone in this opinion, in fact judging by the chat on my server i would say that is the vast majority of us, stop for the love of god rushing this.


There are also the items from Archeology that you don’t want to get rid of but don’t want to take up bank space.

There are many reasons for the void storage.

We also have many profession bugs still also. no xp from certain gathering professions.
No interaction with items like the giant clams for fishing daily.
and so on


"Sorry guys and another apology on top of this.

We are a small team of developers currently working on SoD also which is the company priority.We had also known most of this issues since they are reported on Beta feedback for a month now but we didn’t have time to address any of this.

This results in removing content from cata than fixing it cause we dont have the time to implement it nor can we delay the cataclysm release.

We gave you a roadmap so you are happy but we cant follow it cause we are just 4 we just remove content than fixing it on time.

Ill drop a 3rd apology just so you sympathise with us since we do our best with our basic wages.

We might fix most of those till May 20’ or we might depends if we need to hotfix sod first since there is no content there already,but we prioritise SoD p4 already so you may have to wait till later at some point,only if we think you deserve it.

Dont forget you can buy our 100$ boost package to get cosmetics and another lvl 80 character of your choice(lucky you) on no fresh servers with economies that are so ruined you strongly advice you to get a token or two even three.

Gl and HF on your endeavours with cataclysm classic and remember we hear you and we want your feedback(to do nothing with it but you get happy right?)


The amount of bugs reported on the beta, significant game breaking ones at that, that made into the live release of the prepatch is… seriously…


Actually if you look at the build number for beta and pre patch they are the same build. So no change really and why all the bugs are still there.

Except this is not quite “day 1” is it?
This is a rerelease of a game that was originally released in Dec 2010.
I still wouldn’t expect a “perfect” game.
But I would expect a game that matches up to a stable version of original Cata.


Classic, TBC, and Wrath pre-patches were all just like this one. TBC was legit unplayable for lots of people the first day haha