Notable Differences Between Cataclsym Classic 4.4.0 and Original Cataclysm 4.0.3a

As deathwing approaches. I think that we should get some freakin permanent wrath era realms to transfer to.

Pvp rewards were not removed till end of expac and blizzard just annouced they are moving them patch 1 of cata

Please no

Ive been saving things in my Bank since the beginning of Classic as i have always Done ! And Planed on putting it in Void Storage as soon as Classic Cata showed up … now your just gonna pretend its not wanted or useful. The original Idea of Void Storage was and i Quote " to save the items you have collected along the way of your Journeys ! " Not anything Mog related … so how is your Excuse that its not needed for Transmog … people like to collect things in the game … its one of the reasons we play … Thanks Blizz … Ugggg !