Not the Hill To Die on Blizzard

Except in this context it doesn’t, and you would know that, had you read the thread. But I assume, as the panda shill before you, you saw “die” in the title, immediately put your Blizzard defending gloves on, ignored the OP’s post and went to work.


It’s nuts.

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It’s all about #timeplayed for blizz, that’s it.

AFF was destroyed bc they don’t know their classes lore. They have 2 class devs for all the classes, so don’t be surprised at their idiocrity.

Guess you can say that argument is the hill they chose to die on.

I was already so exhausted by Shadowlands, but thought I’d wait and see 9.1. But there’s no way in hell I’m regrinding out all my legendaries again on my main. I have single target and aoe legendaries for all 3 specs.

It’s like they are trying to drive me away at this point. But that’s okay, I’ve been watching videos on FF14, since it has all the hype, and it looks really fun. I’m downloading that instead of subbing for 9.1.

I crafted one legendary. I’m good. It’s not even BIS anymore. It’s cool though, I didn’t waste my time doing stuff I didn’t enjoy.

It is but its not surprising that the usual suspects twist a turn of phrase.

Its funny to me how these people can see a very obvious - bad - design choice and yet focus on the faults of the player.

Even perceived grammatical/linguistical faults, lmao, instead of the externally created issue.

The issue that still has time to be fixed.

But more than likely won’t be.

See y’all in choreghast for many more runs people :beers:


You could almost say he’s…. Dying on a hill for it?

The devs are doing the sensible thing by maximizing time played among the addicted, er, I mean committed raiders and high key M+. So grind those legendaries. Again. And maybe again in 9.2. lol



Hold up. Do you mean to tell me that you finally got sick of chasing the BIS meta hamster wheel? I’m shocked. Shocked I say.

Although if you were after rival I spose I can cut you some slack. Way too many sweaties in that circle :rofl:

This dude plays affliction lol

I main Demo, I swapped about midway thru patch. Aff is still king in rbgs abd will probably be the goto for that in 9.1

The most confusing hill to die on that blizzard has chosen has got to be the one where they simply HAVE to redo the wow game experience into something new, when their original formula was simple, elegant, and provided a fun and rewarding game experience for most.

Its been a while on this hill, since cata erroneously proved that players dont want pve progression (rather than ruining nostalgic areas being the complaint) and that WOD proved the old model didnt work, when the content was good just far too little of it, and you all just gave up first blowback and let the expac rot, hired someone to totally redo the wow experience, and havent had the communities favor really since.

That to me is the most confusing. How much time and money spent to make what was great better, and making it all worse for it.

is it the first time you’ve heard that turn of phrase?


Well, some of us are.

I spent like 2k maybe 3, getting the only one i needed for raiding.

All these borrowed power systems show is that pushing for them is totally pointless because they will be obsolete.
wow right now is in a situation that is better to just get the bare minimum of what ever the borrowed power is and not waste time with it.