Not the Hill To Die on Blizzard

Stop playing their game.

I’m serious. Things are only going to get better if people stop doing them.

I’m not even talking about unsubscribing I mean just… stop doing torghast. Stop trying to have the best legendary or the best gear. It’s not worth the effort. They will invalidate all of your effort in the next patch anyway.


I really feel like if they’re going to make this sort of change there needs to be some kind of scrapper to recover at least some Ash.

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Either you’re trolling or prominently displaying your lack of awareness pertaining to common figures of speech.

In either case, your response misses the mark and is beyond irrelevant. It’s like saying “i like cake” when someone is talking about why the sky is blue.


It’s a huge problem for me and it’s going to make or break whether I continue playing this expansion or not. Developer created problem that doesn’t respect our time at all.

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Which is exactly why they did it.

I dislike it too but that’s why I only plan on remaking the 2 Legendary I need for healing raid and healing M+ and not worry about the slots of off spec’s.

If people are still paying they aren’t gonna change anything. Dollars* speak the loudest.

*Or whatever your local currency is

Yes but I am a blizz drone who has been doing torghast every week since release so i have a stockpile so i CaN’T ReALly sEe ThE IsSuE HeRe WhY dIdNt YoU SeE tHiS ChAnGe CoMiNg

Wow if this doesn’t expose the people who are still defending Blizzard after all their shoddy practises i’m not sure what does it more perfectly.


Yeah they are really not respecting players time, no matter if people [other’s I’ve seen post in other threads ] having stashed ashes etc…

They were all about not introducing more and still did it.

I feel for you people affected by this.


One of my friends who happens to be a pretty staunch “Blizzard knows what they’re doing and it’s for the best” kinda guy, actually threw in the towel and lost hope in Shadowlands after discovering this lil’ tidbit of info awhile back.

It was nice to see him finally come to grips with reality but also pretty sad to see someone just so defeated after putting so much blind faith in the devs lol.

Blizzard really keeps continually pushing out so many bad ideas that even their most loyal of fans are giving up. It’s almost baffling how wrong they’re going about this entire expansion.


What do you mean man, besides:

  1. Removing Flight Whistle
  2. Making all flight paths go through oribos
  3. Even with flying you need to fly to the zone from Oribos first
  4. Making you run in the maw for ??? reason for the first few months
  5. Conduit upgrades being a random lottery
  6. Conduit upgrade lottery item being UNIQUE and having to run back and fourth.
  7. Making you do Torghast for soul ash
  8. Not adding scrapper for legendaries that will be replaced by domination sockets
  9. Initially removing loot from raid so people gear slower to pad metrics
  10. Covenants needing a 2 week “fill the bar” quest to “regain your loyalty” - lmao

I mean APART FROM That i have no idea what you mean!


Sarcasm noted and duely appreciated! :wink: :+1:


You have no idea what he’s talking about, “hill to die on” doesn’t mean dying, it means something so important that it must be dealt with, despite the difficulty and potential problems that could result. Basically making a stand, is a “hill to die on”.


lol what? The title of your thread that you titled and created does.

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I just don’t do anything Torghast or Maw related. Just like in 8.3 I didn’t do Old God junk. I refuse to force myself to do unenjoyable content that just get rendered useless in future patch cycles anyway.

Jim Carrey: Oh boy here we go again. I’m not gonna waste time trying to explain whats a commonly used phrase to you as I’ve already had one person defy all logic in this thread doing that same thing.


It’s an idiom that can, in fact, mean to defend something to ones death.

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If you understand that it’s an Idiom and you read the context afterwards you should have no comment. To say otherwise proves you’re trolling.


Correcting someone equates to trolling now. Yikes.

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Oh they are trolling. That one is well known for it.


You aren’t correcting anyone, you’re just plain wrong.

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