Not Telling the Whole Truth with Covenants (SL Beta Quest Spoilers)

Sorry just looking at it from Blizavision point of view. Time is money friend.

You wait, you just wait. In 2 months from now I guarantee you will understand the frustrations of beta testers, especially when you realise this is the kind of nonsense you’ll be dealing with for the next two years.

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Lmao, the gall of people like you. Just watch on Youtube the rest of the expansion story I’m paying to see? Do you hear yourself at all?

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Yeah I think basically Covid has influenced how this expansion will run. They’re once again delayed due to wanting to release early but didn’t have the resources nor the time to finish.

It’s so sad they’re releasing another half baked expansion. Shadowland is basically going to become the 9.3 waiting room (waiting for fixes).

I don’t want to believe this. I don’t want to believe this.

I mean it feels like the Maw will be filled with content in the final patch eg. patch 9.3.

Overall, the covenant story should make sense by then in theory.

Let me just say, I sincerely hope I’m completely wrong.

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For investors? You are thinking about all that while playing a video game?

Relax. Either play through it or don’t its your choice. The RPG part of this game demands certain setups to give the game a feel or story narrative.

Stay loyal to your covenant or don’t. Its not that serious.

My gall? You are telling someone who owns an IP how they should run their business model. The arrogance of a lot of you is astonishing.

You are paying for access thats it. No one owes you anything. Either play or don’t its simple.

Lol this place is like an insane asylum with no meds.

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Yeah, story is what started my faction pride in WoW in the first place. Idk why this is locked.

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I don’t know either. :frowning:

Everyone here can give their opinion, but it’s all just guessing until we hear something from Blizzard…

Yes so what? When you get crap service from another comapny, are you often in the habit in taking it all and telling them “yes sir, I have no right to tell you how your multi-million international treats it’s customers”?

You never challenge pricings? Customer service or the end product from any of the other companies you deal with?

Stop. With. The. Simping.

These developers don’t deserve the cultish devotion you give them. They’re mediocre products of late aren’t some stroke of new found genius.

They only deserve criticism and feedback if we can hope they release a half decent half baked product.

Because. They. Don’t. Care. Otherwise.


When I get crap service I don’t frequent the establishment. I don’t take everything as a crusade for me to correct the problems in this universe.

You feel slighted by this company you know what to do. If you can tolerate their imperfections keep playing.

Again this isn’t a complex situation. You just want to get everything your way and i am sorry to break it to you welcome to life where nothing goes how you want all the time.

Cultish devotion? Me? LOL!

So since I don’t see things your way I am a lemming?

I just look for ways to be productive and not pick up what streamers are putting down 24/7. From what I am playing in the beta the game will be enjoyable on a lot of levels. I am giving Blizzard room to wiggle as I always have since Vanilla and so far so good.

When I am not having fun playing this game I take a break and come back. It’s the same cycle I have been going through since the start.

Seriously this isn’t as big of a deal you are making it. Drink a glass of water or have a smoothie.

But I’m not a streamer.

I’m just a mom that’s been playing this game for 15 years, and I hate the direction this expansion is going.

I’ve played Beta, too.

Please understand that everyone will not have the same experience. What is fine for you may not be fine for a lot more people. That doesn’t make either side right, but you can’t just bad mouth people that are hoping Blizzard is still the company it was 15 years ago.

There used to be so much communication back then.

If you’re just going to bad mouth us, just ignore this post and stop responding. It doesn’t help the conversation and only makes you come off as a jerk.


So when you get crap service from a business establishment, you go away quietly and pretend everything is fine. You tell no one how bad the product and service are or warn them not to do business with that company, because you want your friends to be able to find out for themselves and make their own decision whether they were scammed as you feel you were.

You feel you deserved to be served a trash meal and your only recourse is to stop visiting the establishment. You would never dream of complaining either directly to the manager or writing a bad review online.

Yep. Sounds like cultish devotion when you think people who are getting less than they were led to believe they would be getting are unreasonable.


Aha, sure sure. You can keep drinking your kool aid, everything is fine and this company knows how to create a decent game:

For those who dislike wowhead:



Choosing a covenant is great as far as role play is concerned and story. Your stance on that makes sense and I would love for that to be the end however… We as players cannot make this choice in a way that makes sense thematically. We will be required to make a choice on performance. We will want to make a choice based on performance. We will be forced in alot of cases to get armor sets and stories we’d rather not choose.

Please consider seperating the story and transmog element from the gameplay. Here is a way I came up with that I believe would be both logical and make everyone happy. You have already came up with a weekly reset of the soulbind trees. After a reset a player gets to choose 3 soulbinds from any covenant and these choices will be the soulbinds in their loadout for the week. These can then be filled with conduits and will have the covenant abilities bound to their respective soul binds as a rank 0. This works thematically since we are borrowing from their power to begin with.

We would still pick a main covenant to support which would allow more indepth exploration, quests and rewards but the power is ours to choose aside from them. This would allow more experimentation and diversity of classes since we would have the ability to try without feeling punished. This would add to player enjoyment since we would get the story and rewards we want without being punished. I know it isn’t actually us being punished but if we want to do end game or be anywhere near competitive it is.

Thank you.

One person digging for bugs or flaws? This is the best you can do?

Don’t watch Twitch for a month.

Naked cheesing ilvl scaling was an issue at the start of Legion, and an issue at the start of BfA… they patch it, eventually… But this isn’t some new issue, its a reoccuring one.