Not seeing the beta option

Blizzard’s clock doesn’t change at Midnight, it changes at Reset time. Usually.

hes being purposefully obtuse, calling it now he’ll respond with “Still dont see it.” or some variation.


The West Coast thinks its the main character

I’m aware but I felt like slamming my head into that brick wall at least once.

That works. I was wrong. Good job.


The slave employees are still asleep. They won’t push beta until later today. Like in 4 hours or so.

Beta usually works that way. It only becomes downloadable when you can get in.

This letting people buy their way into beta is going to be interested to see how it works. Expect a lot of “Servers are not stable” “eveyrhing is broke” “so much stuff missing” etc etc.


Half of those happen without beta buy in

There was a download yesterday. That was probably it.

Half of those happen without beta buy in

Unfortunatly very accurate.

No, you stop that, this is the WoW forums, you cant just admit to being wrong, we dont do that here.


what timezone are you one its doesnt start maybe until 1 pm pst time or 3 pm est time… idk what time in eu tho.??

If beta follows the same update schedule as alpha did, theres probably around another 5 to 6 hour wait.

It shoulld already show so that people with access can download it.

Can’t wait to see these threads every single minute.

“muh envit”
“wurr’s muh invit?”

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what part of “immediate access” confuses you?

You should have kept reading :stuck_out_tongue:

The beta build going up today may not even be finished yet. Patience.

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This is every beta ever, unfortunately. In the past, Blizzard hasn’t actually done betas as a “preview” (like you see with a lot of Steam games allowing “beta” access or “early preview” access when they are basically finished games), but some people expect that level of completeness despite it not being the case.