Not recent items to restore

Trying to restore a few items that were vendored within the past 1-3 days and nothing is showing up. After refreshing multiple times, clearing cache, history etc as suggested by the support article everything is still stuck “loading” indefinitely on the character’s item restoration selection page. Hoping someone could look into that as I’ve done the troubleshooting to no avail atm.

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Same Here!!!

I also am not finding recent items. Last night I DE’d items from our 10/25 man runs. There were a total of 14 items DE’d but only the 6 of them are showing. One of those 14 was an item that was accidentally DE’d and I would like back. Of course that is not one of the 6 items available to me to restore. I get two pages of icons that say “loading” and my ticket was auto-closed with links to the normal FAQs regarding loot restoration. Very unhelpful.

From looking around it seems this is just a bug thats been around for years and will never be fixed. It’s because we vendored a bunch of items while leveling and theres a ton of pages. All you can do is wait months for the items to slowly clear out and for there to be few enough pages for it to actually load them all.

This same thing happened to me on TBC launch. If you look at your alts who vendored a lot less items you wont have the problem. Time to refarm the item support wont help.