Not re-subbing until RDF Comes back

It is if you know where to look.

Of course the last patch is the longest, you kill the bad guy. All of the xpac leads up to the last patch. It only makes sense that it is the longest.

I enjoy running dungeons, they are much more fun to me than raid content (even though I liked the wrath raids). RDF is an awesome feature and was the defining feature of Wrath (though it probably wasn’t intended to be).

I would be ok with:

server only rdf


new servers added that had rdf (and them only)


Cross server rdf (yes, rdf is awesome)


or make every instance have to be discovered before using rdf


make other version of rdf I haven’t thought up yet.

Artificially wasting time forming a group (that is no more likely to foster friendship), and artificially wasting time traveling to dungeon ( that is no more likely to foster friendship) had it’s place in time, vanilla, tbc and early wrath. Let it die.

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They’re not tbc servers anymore. And RDF was a wotlk feature.

No only Kara was and it was never even close to finished, its why it was held off, RDF was an announced launch feature that if it had been ready and working properly would have been in at launch. Two very different situations

This, dungeons don’t foster community, I’ve ran plenty of dungeons, I couldn’t tell you who 99.9999999% of them are. I found my guild via Discord not via in game chat. My friends I met in guilds I found in discord save 1-2 people. The entire idea that dungeons form some sort of community is just proof of a twisted warped mind with no basis in reality, its signs of living in a delusional state, with a poor grasp on reality.

Was it really ?

yes it was

Not just Kara but the Outlands as a questing zone. My point still stands. RDF wasn’t a part of the OG Wrath experience (until the very end) any more than Outland was part of Vanilla. It also wouldnt be authentic to release the disco as part of Wrath Classic even though Blizz had it planned and even on the box.

Its cool to want RDF. Let’s not position yourself as a #nochanges authentic connoisseur. Its a load of crap and u know it.

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RDF was put in halfway through wrath, not at the end.

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I am a no changes when it comes to Wrath, i want Patch 3.3.5 as was promised. This means RDF. Also your arguement that RDF was at the end is also a bold faced disproven lie. 3.3 came out the middle of the expansion, when subs where only at 11 million, they grew to 12 million during the year long 3.3


This is a well written post. RDF is really important especially for leveling and gearing. To not have it is just a very detached stance Blizz is trying to take. They think they know us but obviously they don’t.

It was the last major content patch. Dont be a semantics Andy. It wasn’t there at launch, so you asking for it at launch makes you a #changesAndy. You keep moving the goal posts but it doesn’t change the facts.

And people didn’t subscribe to Wrath because of RDF. Someone who had never played Wrath wouldn’t know what to do with information about a feature for a game they’ve never played. They subscribed because there was a zeitgeist of everyone playing and everyone wanted to be part of the movement.

No one who had never tried WoW said “wow now that the game that I’ve never played has this feature that I’ve never heard of, I’ll go play”. What a bunch of bull…

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Well your wrong there, i convinced two of my friends to sub after RDF, they dind’t want to play before because they dind’t want to waste alot of time trying to do stuff, its why they didnt get into everquest, which they had tried. I told them how RDF worked and they both subed, its how I got my X-53, so try again

I wonder if they would have like Wrath at launch then. Because guess what: it didn’t have RDF. Whomp Whomp.

But please tell me more about how your 2 friends = 1 million player increase that you mentioned earlier allegedly due to RDF.


no they wouldn’t have, they never tried wow until then because they didn’t like the everquest way of wasting time on group forming. But guess what you have no idea what your talking about, like a typical anti RDF troll you have no substance, or merit

I live in the desert in southern arizona and there’s a group called the Samaritans that leave water drops for migrants so they don’t die in the desert. Of course you wouldn’t consider that water. Many of the water jugs are several months old and if they weren’t dropped a week or two ago it’s too old to be called water.

Not anti RDF. It’s just incredible to see how not one sentence you come out with makes any sense or holds up to any amount of scrutiny.

First you want to tell me that having RDF on launch is authentic even though the original didn’t have it. (which is the same as saying Outlands should have been added in WoW Classsic because it was originally planned for Vanilla). Then you go on to say that 1 million WoW players joined that year because RDF was the heat.

If you can’t be honest to me, someone who isn’t even against RDF, it is no surprise that people who actually are against it would have a stroke reading your delusional recollection of the authentic Wrath experience.

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Cry more bud. Maybe it’s better if you take your complaints with Blizzard for operating their servers poorly and using bandaids to fix a hemorrage. The same reasons about you being unable to do X or Y or Z led to LFR. RDF is a retail feature.

Oh yeah you can just log right in and go queu for dungeons! right now! Right?

Again im not talking about should would or could. Im not debating wether the game should be made for me, but the cold hard truth is IT IS made for us (“me and my ilk”)

By continuing this convo youre just trolling yourself and making yourself feel bad.

Does it hurt? right in the fefes? I got what i wanted. if they ever add rdf it will be past the point when it affects me (phase 1).

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Many of us skipped the sub par vanilla and TBC classic versions. We were waiting for the superior version with RDF which would be WoTLK.


You arent a player, or in the playerbase. Sorry! you matter less.

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