Not my moonkin

Literally, the moonkin from

I see a bad moon rising.

You had the shot. Why didn’t you take the shot

what am I missing? This slightly different style looks decent to me.

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Wdym, what are you missing? Moonkins are supposed to look big and bulky, but that’s not big and bulky. Or obnoxious looking

Well tbf, you have a dino moonkin.

The emerald dream is basically where all the night elf druids go. And this is just some upgraded version of their moonkin form. They haven’t updated our moon chicken form for years, so we get these. I’m not mad.

Of course other races can use them, but it’s mainly targeted at night elf druids.

No, but it does look…

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Not even, it looks like Roblox and Fortnite came up with that moonkin

The novelty oversized feet and the fact that it appears to be wearing fingerless gloves, makes it look like someone in a suit.

Looks like a kul’trian in that suit

If you don’t like it don’t use it

Use your moonkin form.

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Someone post the video of owl legs under feathers.

Assisting Rigatoni with pic:

Looks like a Gnome Boomkin form :slight_smile:

Confirmed Gnomish Druids! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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At first glance it looked like it had a lot of scarves on, each one draping over its chest.