Not liking the cc breakers trinket in shadowland

There is too much CC in the game because everyone can do everything. CC feels overbearing now because everyone has Big defensives and can heal for way way too much.

Many Dps should have zero healing…If you force a rogue to vanish at 20% HP they should remain at 20% HP unless they get a heal from their HEALER.

Force a hunter to turtle then they should need external healing not have their own.

Dps healing needs to be severely nerfed across the board and many Dps don’t need these big Defensives…cough…Mage… Temporal shield… Locks… etc…etc…

That is why CC feels worse now because the game has become too homogenized. So they either need to remove more CC or you need to actually make the game better and remove Healing and big defensives from Dps and go back to class roles. Not Dps healing healers and self healing themselves. Just stop the madness.

I like that you can apparently choose when to use adaptation in Shadowlands. Maybe now people will use it.

that is true

back in MoP a Mage could single-handedly lock down a healer for over 15 secs … Poly x3 > Deep Freeze > Counterspell (with blanket silence) , as well as Frostjaw.

I think back in Cata, their Ring didnt DR with Poly either … and Fire Mage had two Stuns as well.

And in Wrath (and Cata? cant recall) Arcane also had (my personal favourite) , Poly Stun :slight_smile: because everyone loved being stunned automatically after Poly ended :sparkling_heart:

this is about moving the CC breaker from major pvp talent, to a trinket, meaning that trinket slot could be use for any other trinket, doesnt mean that will remove the brecker from the game.

hows like moving the brecker from a pvp talent to a trinket will make racials matters?

i would assume in a better light, have raid trinkets competent to pvp and reverse as well, that way ppl can gear themself or doing pvp or raid.

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isn’t moving the CC break to a trinket just giving you an additional pvp talent in compensation. i feel like it could go either way…depends on the power scaling of trinkets in SL

Nope they are just removing that talent tier.

o…thats dumb


This would be best.

This has proven to be impossible and non existent. The only trinkets that have mattered all expansion long are pve ones (with a short time in one season for maledict).

Nope bring PvP trinket back and get pve out of PvP.

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sadly dont think we can be that extreme, and split the game entirely as pvp or pve, some one who did pve, and then trying pvp, is grinding all the way from the start will feel extremely discourage, some one who enjoy pvp should be able to also be able to use the time and energy that use to kill players into gear that let him do content. we cant exclude player from one type of content and start every portion of the game from scratch,

this is what bfa did with the Alts characters, since was so much grind, between azerite power essences’ azerita gear/traits etc… discourage ppl to try other classes we shouldn’t discourage, for player to try other content of the game, should be capable and exiting as well.

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Except since it’s been “gear is gear” pvpers have been the excluded ones. Rated PvP participation has done nothing but drop since wod. Casual PvP rewards garbage because pvers might feel the need to PvP. No man the only way for pvpers to not get screwed is to seperate it.

In mop-wod I had 6-12 characters all at max level gear all pvping. There was no barrier to entry. This expansion I have 2 characters I PvP on and both are rocking 1 single PvP item.

PvP trinket is a minor step towards fixing the big problem that PvP gearing sucks.

You mean it was the single worst time in the game to have alts and nothing has ever been as unfriendly for them?

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i liked having the built in 3 trinket choice as a talent. It let me use two other trinkets. And I think it helps new players who try to pvp and don’t know where or can’t get trinkets while leveling. Can make adaptation a active ability like they did on the new trinket but bring back the talents IMHO. Just a newb,

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Ion, is that you?

No, I’m not Ion. Sorry that I think new players might exist and want a pvp trinket effect at pre-60 level.

It’s a joke. One of the reasons Ion gave for not wanting to bring back vendors is that players are too dumb to find the vendors or pick the right pieces.

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Maybe they could have guards direct people to them, in the extreme case.

Or just ask “where is the pvp vendor” in trade chat. But this is apparently too intelligent of a task for lowly WoW players, according to Ion.


This is great. I’m questing a fesh toon and its so fast and simple with waypoints, highlighted map zones, and even highlighted mobs with the quest theyre a part of in their tooltip. I remember on my main back in the day grouping with people to canvas barrens for a wandering mob seeing as the only quest help you got was “he’s in the north east”. You dont even need to ask in trade these days. Everything can be googled. Even the the not yet launched expansion. Cant find something in wow :roll_eyes:

Its not 2004.