Come on…honestly, how many people do you think actually want that?
Obviously, you do, but I would bet you are part of a very very small minority.
Come on…honestly, how many people do you think actually want that?
Obviously, you do, but I would bet you are part of a very very small minority.
I don’t remember that character name. One started with a “D,” like Dolarien or something. The other two were something with an “N” and something with a “G.”
I am happy there are people out there who run like you do!
I think a lot of people wouldn’t care one way or the other as long as they don’t take longer to level, because that’s what the people who are down for 5 minute twink carry dungeons want.
But there are plenty of people who want to actually play the game before 80. You can’t even do proper rotations most of the time because stuff just falls over. It’s worse if you have a low level (even non-twinks) but it’s an issue for a LOT of leveling content. It’s fine for world content, as that’s the baseline content where everyone needs to be able to handle it. But it should be at least slightly harder, or at least live slightly longer in dungeon content.
It’s effectively 5 man content tuned to be done with 2.
Timewalking completion bonus is separate from regular dungeon completion bonus.
Obviously they would not be made the same.
Different bubbles.
I get that this is an endgame-centric game, but the early content should not be so severely neglected as it currently is.
I am split on this
I made a Kul titan shaman the other day and got into a group with a twink fury war carrying his alt who was also low lvl.
As I qued as healer we kept teaming as a party and I got to lvl 80 with 4 hours /played
I didn’t do any healing whatsoever and even on a few occasions just afked on follow to get food and coffee.
It feels like cheating and although getting from char creation to max lvl in 4 hrs was fun to see it also makes the entire leveling process pointless as I just Afk for 4 hrs . May as well just have the option to start at lvl 80 as it neither helped me learn the class nor did I do anything at all so what’s the point to even level lol
It also makes grouping with anyone that’s not a lvl 11 twink a chore . I’m never excited to be paired with a full geared lvl 80 but I am super excited to be grouped with a lvl 11 fury war or MW monk lol
I can see why it is a problem and bliz will likely end it as they are not going to make any money from boost services if everyone can get to 80 in 4 hrs afk lol
Worth mentioning that for all of Dragonflight we could pay another player to power level us from 10 to max level in about 2 hours via farming outdoor dungeon areas in DF Zones (this was a level 70 thing - twink dungeon spam was not even close to as fast despite twinks being roughly as strong as they are now). And that was before they squished the exp needed to level again.
Blizzard has shown they don’t care that much about maintaining the value of paid level boosts. They don’t pay attention to what happens in leveling content at all whatsoever.
timewalking is a means to an end its not enjoyable at all
why make everyone suffer through a longer time. these twinks were lifesavers fr fr
All timewalking dungeons now only require a minimum level of 10 to enter. As a consequence of them changing how the scaling worked for the dungeons. It wasn’t something exclusive to classic TW.
Timewalking raids, at least BT, Ulduar and Firelands still require a higher min level to enter though.
Absolutely right ! After running timewalking dgs for years now it is like a cool breeze to run tru it now .
You people are masochists you see power and you want to remove it. Why? So you can appreciate more the experience of repeating eternally the same dungeon?
I was grateful every time a low level was around because I had just to walk to the end of the dungeon and get my rewards.
The quicker the better–bring in the level 11s!
if you dont like playing with randoms, dont.
You have the option to make a group and do it yourself.
What bugged me was that not every low level character has the tools to even do their role. Many healers don’t get a resurrection spell until sometime after level 10, for example. Some of these dungeons are so long that it would be faster to kick a dead PC and requeue than wait for them to catch up, and I don’t think that’s something that should be encouraged.
Characters should not be allowed to queue unless they have the basic tools required to do their role. DPS should have their interrupt and an AoE damage button, Tanks should have their Taunt and defensives, and Healers should have a resurrection and a dispel. And all of these should be baseline- not talents.
… until the next remix event…
The bias I see against low level players just reminds me of the toxicity I felt when I came back to the game after a 9-year hiatus. I have no problem with lower players not having all of their kits ability’s because that is something learned as you level not part of baseline.
If your so fixated on the hate about low-level players or twinks; the problem isn’t them, but you.
There is no bias against low level or new players when it comes to this level 11 scaling. It’s purely against veterans that want the fun of a dungeon to revolve solely around their own twink.
These are not “low level players” these are people that devoted hours and a few thousand gold to taking advantage of broken scaling so they could snipe the action of every dungeon they queue for.
Blizzard’s incompetence when it comes to scaling is a good reason to want level brackets back.
Thing I truly hate, is the leveling process; where we can go when we make a new character. An example is, if I make an Earthen Dwarf, and I only get to choose content I’ve already done but if I would want to play through current content with level scaling, I am blocked from it until at least level 70. Next expansion I will be able to probably do The War Within content but by time I am allowed I won’t want to do it. As I would have already leveled my current 38 characters to max in Isle of Dorn only.
Would be nice like the original game, we could level new characters in current content so I can experience the zones and content campaign fully instead of it taking me 1 zone to hit 80 currently.
While I understand the urge to want things fast with a leveling habit like that I don’t think it’s very common to find that happening. I can barely find time to have 3 toons at 620 and a main at 632 and I feel like I play a lot. I can’t imagine the kind of time it takes to have 35 level 80s and I am not sure the game needs to be designed around accommodating or expediting that process more than being a fun game to be entirely truthful.
Personally, I would be happy if they slowed down the leveling process. Give players a chance to learn their characters again before endgame like it used to be (Can hear the go to classic if you want that process). Because of my amputated fingers, bountiful tier 8 is the highest I can go and I’ve yet to beat Zekvir ?.
Since I lack the skill with my amputations which I believe you also have a hand issue from years of building airplanes, I stay away from group content so not to ruin other people fun, so it limits me to 619 max atm.
But back to the originally discussion, when I came back to the game after 9-year hiatus, I started over on a fresh server and playing one of my two favorite classes Restoration Shaman. The pace and toxicity from those first few groups caused me to not group again from a month before Shadowlands released until season 3 of Dragon Flight and playing Enhancement shaman, my 1st DPS class in 25 years of online gaming.