Not getting titan residuum from scrapped gear

Just curious if this was an intentional thing because I have no longer been getting Titan Residuum from scrapped gear. Gear that has no gold value to a vendor that, when trying to sell it, specifically gives me a dialog to break it down at the scrapper for titan residuum. Is this a bug or was it removed and someone forgot to take out the message?


so yeah I also scrapped 4 445 pieces all new after this patch and received 0 residuum one I might have saved had I know there is no chance of getting anything for it. little update please is the system totally randomized now cause its sure not anything that’s set. and if so could we at least get some idea of our chances of receiving it instead of grinding up gear for no reward.

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New week and probably a bag’s worth of loot thrown into the scrapper, all Azerite gear, zero residuum. Error still tells me to scrap the item(s) to get residuum.


When the most recent content patch hit, most of my characters got a small amount of gold in the mail as a refund for titan residuum. I don’t remember seeing any patch notes about why Blizz did this (or that it was happening at all), but I think it means titan residuum’s gone now. About the level of attention to detail we’ve come to expect.

It was the typical season currency reset. They didn’t want people pooling it & instantly buying the new season gear.

FWIW, I just scrapped a 445 emissary reward & got 40 Titan Residuum. I already had 20, so that may have been a scrapped 430 piece…or pieces if it was 5/10 per.

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If it was old gear then you won’t get anything, if you do get anything for 445 and the like, it will be very low.

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I get titan from maybe 1 in 10 azerite gear scraps? Just another victim of the reduced but not reduced RNG monster.

You only get TR from Season 4 sources. They also need to be epic quality. Scrapping Season 3 and earlier azerite gear (such as Eternal Palace loot) won’t reward TR. Scrapping rare quality S4 azerite gear will not get TR.

There was a detailed blue post about this a couple of weeks before 8.3 hit.

If you are scrapping Season 4 azerite and not getting TR, probably a bug and you should report it using the in-game bug report system and clearly identifying the source of the gear (and probably also the full name of the gear, ilvl, date, time, and server) so that Blizz can determine whether it’s eligible for TR when scrapped.

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Same, scrapping 430s and none.

So what i’m understanding here is instead of making a change to how much azerite the S3 gear will give you that you still have on, you don’t get crap from breaking it down even though it’s the same ilvl as the 430/445 azerite pieces from the new patch???

Pretty much. They didn’t want people hoarding old gear & getting instant returns when the patch dropped.


The items have to be EPIC and have to have dropped DURING season 4. Any items from S3 will NOT produce titan residium.


This is absolutely an issue, but Blizz doesn’t care. I opened up a ticket and they told me to make a bug report (as per standard.) I’ve never been able to get any on my account, full stop. Even gear pieces I’m picking up now- they definitely meet all requirements. To add insult to injury, you can’t sell them, and if you try, the system tells you to scrap them to get the Titan Residuum your character will never, ever get, because this is WoW now.