I can see in Alliance Embassy that Mechagnome requirements are done, i.e. level 50 and Mechagonian threat and I didn’t get quest to unlock the race. Instead I got quest to unlock Dark Iron Dwarf race and I don’t have it’s achievement Ready for War.
Now I have Dark Iron Dward unlocked with incomplete achievement and no way to unlock Mechagnome with its completed achievements.
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There’s a weird bug where you get the achievement “The Mechagonian Threat” after completing the first couple of quests on Mechagon Island.
Because of the ability to skip the dungeon that was required, you’re automatically given the achievement, as the game thinks you’ve finished the entire storyline of the island.
Go into your achievements and type in “The Mechagonian Threat,” and there should still be a lot of quest lines that are greyed out.
Basically finish Mechagon Island.
It looks like a lot, but it went by really fast and didn’t take long at all.
Thanks for the reply. I checked “The Mechagonian Threat” achievement and all rows are green and checked, nothing is greyed out.
Weird. You have BFA lore master and started to quest in Nazjatar?
In Nazjatar there should have been a female gnome greeting you shortly after a few quest turn ins with a quest to go talk to another gnome in Boralus.
Does that sound familiar?
Sorry. Just trying to help.
I have had the same issue. Tried to resolve it but no luck. I even completed the Mechagon Threat on an Alt to hopefully kick it into gear but no luck… Still looking for a fix…
What was the last quest you completed in the chain?
What did you do?
Yes, you are referring to “Rumors of Mechagon” quest, which I did. This quest finishes at Gazlowe, who takes us to spy on Alliance in some Junkyard.
Okay, I found a blue post which mentions one more achievement, Rustbolt Rebellion and I don’t have it … Interestingly, this achievement is not shown as required when clicking Mechagenome race flag in the Embassy.
Now have to be exalted with Rustbolt Resistance to see if it solves the issue where I didn’t get quest to unlock Mechagenome.
Now for other problem where I got Dark Iron Dwarf unlock quest, my alliance character doesn’t show that I have the achievement, however my horde character has required achievement, i.e. Ready for War.
One confusing thing is that “The Mechagonian Threat” achievement is earned on Horde, which is showing when clicking Mechagenome flag but Ready for War isn’t.
That post is outdated and exalted rep and dungeon requirements were removed from allied race unlocks with a recent patch, so that is why the rep achievement no longer shows as required at the embassy. I think the other suggestions on that blue post are still valid, however. This may possibly be why the “Ready for War” counted for both sides, since you didn’t need the alliance-side rep anymore.
This quest, “Operation: Mechagon - The Mechoriginator” is the last quest of “The Mechagonian Threat”, so it looks like the dungeon requirement is still there.
Per the blue post, Gila Crosswires suppose to give me “Fame Waits For Gnome One” quest. And I notice that my lvl 50 alliance character hasn’t started BFA storyline. I jumped to Shadowland directly from Legion and skipped BFA. Let me start BFA storyline to see if I get this quest.
There should be an option to skip the dungeon from the questgiver, so if you need to do that, check the NPC again for that dialogue.
Good luck
Let us know if that works for you!
Unfortunately, I can’t check skip the dungeon option as I soloed it using my Horde Druid to complete the quest. It took me like 2h and multiple wipes to complete but it was fun.
Yes, I will start the BFA quest and will update back if it solves the problem.
You don’t have to be exalted with the faction. I think just friendly.
Also for Alliance you need to be friendly with the 3 primary BFA factions: Storms Wake, Proudmoore Admiralty, and Order of the Embers–which will require you to almost complete Loremaster of BFA–simply through questing in the zones.
You also need to speak to the dark iron dwarf next to the Boralus Inn…to the right of it–and do the Magni quest line all the way until you get the achievement “We Stand United.”
Pretty much upgrade the Heart of Azeroth to level 50.
You also need to secure the 3 foot holds in the War Campaign Island on your Alliance toon–until you unlock world quests for that zone.
It’s dumb but Nazjatar was created after the war campaign so the game assumes you already have that portion of the content unlocked/completed.
You do need to get the heart to level 50–you can do that by following the quest line–which is simple enough. Long…but simple.
After all is said and done–Genn Greymane will have a quest on your ship in Boralus Harbor called “The Wolf’s Offensive” that will lead you into Nazjatar.
Do the intro quests and a couple easy chains after you hit Nazjatar and you’ll be greeted by a gnome envoy on a mount which is the start of the quest chain to unlock Mechagnomes.
Thanks for the pointer. I did following to unlock Mechagenome
- Raised an alliance to level 50 by doing BFA content
- At level 50, do the heart of azeroth legendary neck item quest.
- Once I have the neck item, a quest is given to go to Nazjatar
- I did the quest to unlock Nazjatar World Quests. When I returned the quest, a gnome gave me quest to unlock Mechagon area
- Once I unlocked the Mechagon area, I got a quest to unlock Mechagenome race in Boralus. That’s probably as I already had “The Mechagonian Threat”, achievement.
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