Not getting progress on Legion Hidden Artifact Appearance

Went into Hall of the Guardian on the mage I got my hidden artifact appearances on during Legion to make sure that I’d be able to track.

I just completed a run of Maw of Souls and the tracker is still showing 0/30.
Do I need to have the artifact weapon actually equipped when I run it or is something else going on?

I think u need it equiped for the credit.

The Artifact does not have to be equipped or even mogged.

Here were my results the last time I did an Artifact.

Okay reporting back in with my results.

My Paladin (Syraenas) now has her hidden appearance dungeon tint for Prot and Holy.

She started with Forge reporting ZERO runs done. Script I use (shown below) was showing 10 when I started.

/run local a={Dungeons=11152,WQs=11153,PKs=11154}for b,c in pairs(a)do local d,e=0;for f=1,GetAchievementNumCriteria(c)do local g,h=0;g,g,g,h,e=GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(c,f)d=d+h end;print(b..": "..d.."/"..e)end

What I did (or did not) do during my runs:

  • I did NOT do my runs with Artifact equipped.
  • I did NOT do my runs with my equipped weapon even mogged to my Artifact.
  • I did have the Artifact in my bags so I could check at Forge easier.
  • Ran assorted dungeons on Normal, Heroic, Mythic.
  • Ran assorted dungeons alone and with a friend using their level 20s.

TL;DR – The Forge did NOT show that I had done ANY dungeons until I hit the 30 requirement.


Do u know if I have to do the dungeons on the character I unlocked them on or is it fine if I do them on a separate character?

It has to be on the character that unlocked the weapon.


I have this same problem on my druid. Regardless of dungeon difficulty, whether my spec is correct, whether I have the artifact equipped, whether the artifact is mogged to something else, whether another weapon is mogged to the appearance in question, none of those seem to up the dungeon count.

Of note, any mog-specific questions I do use the base form of the hidden appearance.

Have you completed the 30 dungeon requirement? If you’re still working on it, according to the post above, it won’t show a “count” until you’ve completed them.


I think they’re at least trying to assure that progress is being made.

But yeah, this does seem like an issue they need to fix.

Ideally, we would be able to finish it with any character as long as u have the appearance xmog’d or something. I’ve realmhopped multiple times since legion and frankly was surprised I even remembered which character I had unlocked the appearances on, but I have no idea how many dungeons I had completed after unlocking the achieves.

Another question is if the hidden appearances unlocked account wide once u find the initial one? I don’t remember but like if I unlock fire mage and complete the 30 requirement, will it also complete the 30 dungeon requirement appearance on my aff lock

Nah you have to do it for each classes hidden skin, kinda sucks if you want all 12 classes hidden artifact skin you need to do 12x30 dungeons (300+) runs