Not Getting Completion Credit for Theater Troupe

Hi there,

I just attempted the Theatre Troupe event and all was going well throughout, until it reached the end where we need to bow in the centre. I got the action button to bow, and the “0/1 bow to the crowd” requirement in the quest panel, however no matter how much i bowed it refused to change from 0/1 to 1/1 which made me not eligible for the cache reward as I did not complete the event. I tried bowing with both the action button and manually typing the /bow emote. I asked in /s if anybody else was effected and some people were. However it seemed like the majority of people were able to get the 1/1 completion and get their reward as they did the bow and flew off super fast.

Not sure what else I could do here, or if it’s just a straight up bug.

Any ideas would be great!


I have the same issue, i tried multiple times, but it didn’t work

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I’ve only got the Forget Me Not play to finish and no matter how many times I do it from start to finish it never completes it.