Not getting 310% flying if you own a 310% speed mount

Back in original Cata if you owned a 310% speed mount you automatically learned 310% flying.
Currently this doesn’t work, my flying is still 280% on the beta.


Just copied my pally over and have the same problem, Had max speed but now don’t.

This is intended, Master Flying is 4000 gold at the flying trainer which gives you 310 mount speed

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It’s not. As per Wowpedia:

  • Master Flying Skill (310% flight speed) is now available from riding trainers in Dalaran, Valiance Expedition, Warsong Offensive at a cost of 5,000g.
  • Characters that already had a 310% mount pre-4.0.1 are given this skill free of charge. All other characters must purchase Master Flying to receive 310% flight speed.

Blue post stating if you own a 310% mount prior to cata that you would be given the skill for free.

Wowpedia riding

Patch 4.0.1 Section:

Characters that already had a 310% mount pre-4.0.1 are given this skill free of charge. All other characters must purchase Master Flying to receive 310% flight speed.

It is not working as intended as Weper / Invincible stated.


I won’t say it is not intended like the two other responses above, but there are some other things to keep in mind.

First, in original WotLK, mounts were not account wide. When they became account wide in Cata, only characters that individually had the 310% mount were automatically granted the faster riding skill. With Cata Classic, no character individually owns a 310% mount to be given the faster riding as they are already at the account level. As such, it may be harder to do what they did before, and unless someone has a Blizzard quote that is actually from Classic and not one from 14 years ago, there is always a chance they don’t intend to follow what they did before.

Second, character copy is not the same as the live realms being updated. Even if Blizzard plans to automatically grant the skill, that doesn’t mean it would necessarily happen with a copied character.

Character Achievements are still flagged individually and all 310 mounts award one with obtaining. Hopefully they can fix it before launch.


Nothing was account wide until MoP. Which is why achieves aren’t locked into these new collections. A lot of the necessary changes aren’t in the game yet.

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That may be my mistake, but the point still stands then in this case.

That’s not how an argument works when the premise was dead on arrival.

As it was when cata launched having a 310 mount conferred that skill to that character. Account wide learned mounts such as Al’ar for fresh alts will have to pay for 310 mount speed after 280 which is intended. If I had that on my mage for example and then copied to the beta yea im gonna be salty about dropping 4-5k for it to be the max speed when it should be from the get go on him.

Mounts went account-wide in MoP

I remember getting 2 Blazing Drakes during Cataclysm, and feeling bad about it when account-wide mounts came into effect in MoP because one was essentially wasted.

As I said above:

All they’d have to do is tie the speed increase to the achievements that grant the mounts which should be pretty easy to do given What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been gives 310% flying as part of the achievement reward come Cata

I think what they are going for is since they are giving account wide mounts and toys that to be “Fair” everyone will have to pay to go from 280% to 310% regardless if you got a 310% from Meta achievements or Holiday mounts. It’s a form of gold sink but I could just be making this random stuff up and maybe they just overlooked it.

Doesnt exactly sound fair to those who did though. If you earned but someone else didnt and I have to pay gold because everyone gets a ribbon mindset is gonna make alot of people salty.

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I do remember automatically getting 310% back in original Cata and I agree it wouldn’t be fair for those who earned it through achievements or a lucky rare mount drop. I still think that the original intent was to roll people back to 280% then make everyone pay for 310% but like I said it may just be a oversight.

Right now I can’t make heads or tails of much the hope is oversight but given the history they probably would let it live.

That would make A LOT of people really ticked off and would be nothing more that a pure token grab.

There is literally no other reason they would do that BS except to try and boost token sales.