We’re getting and endless stream of updates about Plunderstorm on Wowhead and elsewhere, but I haven’t read anywhere about A NEW QUEST!
I’m a hardcore collector and I’m down to my last 27 toys to having every toy in the game. I got one more last night, and when I went to check my progress this morning … it said I still needed 27! What gives???
So I review this list of missing toys, and there’s a NEW TOY called “Duck Disguiser” from a new quest in Durotar, called “Just a Waddle Away.” It transforms you into a duck!!! (there is an Alliance equiv quest in EF)
Figured I’d give everyone a heads-up here.
And if this thing doesn’t emote “got any grapes??” … I’m gonna be SEVERELY disappointed. (I’m at work, will do the quest later when I get home. I only had time to check my progress this morning)
Interesting, I wonder if it’ll be marked as ‘trivial’ or linked to some world event. I mean I got to be a duck in Amirdrassil raid for a few seconds but this would be more fun lol.
Sounds like a cool toy. Can you give us more information about where the quest is or who the quest giver is. Can’t find it on either Horde or Alliance. Is it a low level quest? TIA
This is just a Joe-Average post. lol I didn’t data-mine or anything, I just got lucky in that, because I have a really low “Toys left to collect” list, it stood out. Otherwise, I never would have noticed.
But I don’t know anything else about it. I haven’t read anything about it anywhere. You’d think Wowhead would have at least datamined the object but… I dunno how they do these things.
I’m just posting as a head-up since I know a lot of people like ducks.
With Elwynn Forest/Durotar as quest starting locations, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s from Noble Garden, which we already know is getting new rewards this year. Or another holiday, since they seem to be revamping them right now.