Not for nothin' .. but there's a new quest w/ TOY to become a duck!

We’re getting and endless stream of updates about Plunderstorm on Wowhead and elsewhere, but I haven’t read anywhere about A NEW QUEST!

I’m a hardcore collector and I’m down to my last 27 toys to having every toy in the game. I got one more last night, and when I went to check my progress this morning … it said I still needed 27! What gives???

So I review this list of missing toys, and there’s a NEW TOY called “Duck Disguiser” from a new quest in Durotar, called “Just a Waddle Away.” It transforms you into a duck!!! (there is an Alliance equiv quest in EF)

Figured I’d give everyone a heads-up here. :slight_smile:

And if this thing doesn’t emote “got any grapes??” … I’m gonna be SEVERELY disappointed. :wink: (I’m at work, will do the quest later when I get home. I only had time to check my progress this morning)


You got any grapes?


Oh wow, had no idea, this is cool! What’s the quest location?

I don’t know. When you mouse over the toy, it just says “Durotar (or EF).”

But my guess is it’s right outside the gates of Org. I’m assuming b/w Org and Razor Hill… but I don’t know yet. :slight_smile:

And today I’ll be working late. >(

Interesting, I wonder if it’ll be marked as ‘trivial’ or linked to some world event. I mean I got to be a duck in Amirdrassil raid for a few seconds but this would be more fun lol.

Sounds like a cool toy. Can you give us more information about where the quest is or who the quest giver is. Can’t find it on either Horde or Alliance. Is it a low level quest? TIA

Flew around for a bit, tried googling it, I wonder if this quest has an unique prereq or if this was added ahead of the quest.

Are you sure it is even in game yet?

No, I’m not sure.

This is just a Joe-Average post. lol I didn’t data-mine or anything, I just got lucky in that, because I have a really low “Toys left to collect” list, it stood out. Otherwise, I never would have noticed.

But I don’t know anything else about it. I haven’t read anything about it anywhere. You’d think Wowhead would have at least datamined the object but… I dunno how they do these things.

I’m just posting as a head-up since I know a lot of people like ducks. :slight_smile:


It’s funny that that is the only comment for the toy on wowhead.


And he waddled away!

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That duck is a menace

i cant find it :frowning:

With Elwynn Forest/Durotar as quest starting locations, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s from Noble Garden, which we already know is getting new rewards this year. Or another holiday, since they seem to be revamping them right now.


That’s gotta be it. There’s nothing on the internet at all about this quest.

Aaannd now that song is stuck in my head. :notes:And he waddled away… Till the very next day​:musical_note:


Sorry man but it gets worse.

A bit early…its from Nobelgarden

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Bartender: Ask me if I have any grapes again, and I’ll nail your bill to the bar!

Oh cool. Put it on my bill. :smiley:

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