People are so used to the BFA/Legion system of having to clear the board each day or lose power and forget that there’s a finite list of what actually gives you power.
Outside the 1k Anima Quest and eventually being able to grind for sockets, there isn’t much reason to do WQ’s or the Maw.
Ooh, ok. That is awful. Thanks for letting me know. I would have assumed I could do all of them, but yeah while I like dungeons, I don’t wanna do the same one over and over.
RNG likes you then yeah…no problems. Me it took a week of heroic spam and 3 trades to get one char 170 in heroics.
Oh and there is the 200 dark fair trinket to get me that 170. I got that cheap. Usually sold for 60K week 1 first few days. I got lucky and some nice seller was price warring down to 40K at the time.
It seems like you’re trying to make Blizzard out to be a bad company, but everyone wanted different loot systems than BfA and they gave it to us and kids still cry and whine.
There is a good chance that if things keep going this way it will surpass MoP for me and that is something I never thought would happen in a million years.
I think Sl is meant to actually cater to the collector. For someone like me, there’s so much to do. There’s four sets to collect in every covenant per armor class. That’s 16 sets total in one covenant. 4 plate, 4 cloth, 4 mail, and 4 leather.
Which means 16x4=64 sets just from doing easy content like weekly challenges, and anima stuff. Then you also have four elite mogs to collect. All the mounts and such. Torghast will have challenges put in the Torment wing which we know is 18 floors of shenanigans. And every season has KSM stuff from what we can guess so far.
Shadowlands is the best expansion in WoW so far, i’m not sure how people don’t like the changes. There’s more people playing now than WotLK, IT’S FINE!
Frankly, I disagree.
Torghast - weekly. ~1 hour
WQ’s - barely relevant, unless you really want that rep.
Anima - barely relevant.
Mission table - what now?
Covenant campaign - 30m / weekly.
What you are probably referring to is how some people have already cleared M15+ and dominate in PvP?
You can get full 184 pvp = M0 just by doing BGs.
It costs what, 3,000honor per item to upgrade it to max rank?
Do daily BG and every week you will get 200 pvp piece.
On week one, people skipped Heroic dungeons and went straight into M0’s. They are easy, especially now. Hence, everyone got ilvl 184.
Now, people do other dungeons, and the do them A LOT, as there is no need to grind ANYTHING in this expansion.
Maybe. I am just really curious because I have seen him say it a few times and clearly he thinks something big and bad is going to happen and I can’t for the life of me figure out what that may be.
How can you not believe him. His guild is willing to carry him from 160 (barely able to do heroics) to a 190 item level in no time. Not only that they probably passed on their own upgrades, and just gave him the loot, cause it’s Tupac, I mean wtf, why wouldn’t you? He’s a legend after all.
How trash are the rest of us peasants who don’t have a made up guild that will just carry us through everything, so we can gear up cause we work 2 imaginary jobs and have 3 kids. I’m sold.
Btw if anyone is interested I have some money I need to bring to the states, cause communist China won’t allow me to do so, and I need to hire a good lawyer. Unfortunately I have little money here in America. All I need from you, guys is $10,000 USD preferably by money order. If you do this, I will happily give you, 1% of my $500,000,000 dollar fortune. That’s $5,000,000 USD when I can bring my money over from China to the states. Good deal don’t pass it up.
Then you can buy your way into Tupac’s guild and they’ll carry you too, while you sip margaritas or w/e it is you wanna do, with your money.