Not enough is being done about multiboxers and multiboxing bots

Guessing They prefer high pop realms to do the robot on. Haven’t noticed hardly any botting since Legion on the realms I play on. The multioxers that used to use broadcast software did themselves in imo. Doubt people noticed the average dual, or 3 character multiboxers using software or not. It’s when they started running those 10-to-20-character teams, is when they started getting attention. Especially after the Naz’jatar zone in BFA released. They started behaving, or doing what bot hacks were doing. So, they left Blizz no choice but to ban the software.

This is objectively false.

Just one example of many? The multiboxers in PvP. A 5 man multiboxer can focus nuke anyone in PvP. It is an objective massive advantage that is not intended gameplay design by the Devs. The Devs did not intend one human to be able to multiply their power by a factor of 5 over everyone else. And yes, I am seeing multiboxers in PvP instances again. They seem to have returned in DF after they got nuked in SL.

Now obviously this applies more to software enhanced multiboxing (which is against the ToU) than manual multiboxing, but even manual multiboxing impacts other players.

A manual multiboxer can farm nodes at multiple orders of magnitude more efficiently than a single player can. This has many consequences for the AH and gold generation. Which in turn can effect player power due to carries or even forcing the price of mats to plummet thus preventing single players from generating as much gold as they otherwise could have. Now obviously the flip side of that is that those players costs would also fall. But that is only valid point if those players were buying said mats in the first place. Which they may not be.

I’m not understanding this. If multiboxing wasn’t an advantage in node farming, than why do so many do it? Clearly multiboxing allows you to farm more mats, faster as otherwise there would be zero incentive for the 500 druid multiboxing botters in ZC to do it all day. Don’t get me wrong. They’re botting and that’s a whole nother topic. But they’re also multiboxing whilst botting.

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Nice theory, except for the part where they specifically said they would not ban multiboxing and its ok to do so.

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botting was rampant prior to boosts existing.

Be that as it may, there is no deny it does facilitate a botting account be back into the game immediately.

I wonder… if botting exists sooo rampant prior to boosts. Why give them the tool to make it even worst? The jollies of course.

When I see a bot, I follow them around and repeatedly try to take selfies of us both. They never say anything to me, but I know that it drives them crazy.


I like that! I’m gonna try it out. I’ll also make sure to say nice things to them sometimes. Kill 'em with kindness, I say


Don’t forget: Please and Thank you goes a looooong way.

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They just want that sweet sweet sub this is why they tip toe about it. Kinda disgusting. I mean I get it but it does not stop me from naming blizzard scumbags. :dracthyr_shrug:

And sometimes in Epic battlegrounds. My team got bagged by a multiboxer with 5 druids spamming starsurge, 4 ebgs in a row. We were getting spawn camped and all. bro couldnt put me in a different ebg lobby even i i cancelled Q and started back up lmao pvp is such a doozy

the big bot farms have an endless supply of stolen accounts to choose from.
most of those already have max level characters.

boosts didn’t change anything.

how would they even know?

this seems like such a weird thing to say.

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I think you and a lot of people missed the point where I was talking about using a mount that can have riders. So only one person is controlling two characters at the same time while flying between the nodes. If they had to alt tab over to fly two different characters to each node this wouldn’t be a problem then would it? Also, like I have stated numerous times in this thread. I understand that doing it that way isn’t against the rules the same way using hardware or software to multibox is, but I think it should be because in the instance of farming nodes, the same behavior is accomplished using very little extra effort than one would if they were multiboxed together. Their is the hard rule in text, and then there is the spirit of what that rule is intended for. I think this is going against what the spirit of the rule was intended for without actually breaking the rule. I would like to see the rule changed.

I understand what you are saying about what is allow V what should not be allowed, and its a perfectly reasonable opinion.

In fact, anyone controlling two characters does have to go from screen to screen (I dont understand the mechanics of it fully) in order to use them. Nothing at all is done without direct input. Think of it this way; druids can carry a second person in flight and ground travel form if they are in a group together. Therefore you and a friend could farm together, picking the same nodes. Multiboxing? No. But its effectively the same thing, its just two different people rather than one person and two accounts they own. Should two people not be allowed to farm together, just as they can otherwise play together? Obviously not, since its the same as if two people happened to be at the same node at the same time.

Its difficult to make a ruling when there are too many different scenarios.

If you are grouped with a friend and they get on your 2 seater mount while you fly across the zone are you multiboxing?

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So by “endless supply” do you also mean to say that there is a gigantic amount of people that just got straight up robbed and did not recover their account? This doesn’t sound right and it actually looks even worst than botters abusing a service…

I believe the logic Blizzard is working under is it will be better if they shut down the people making the botting software then just go after those they find botting. As you pointed out, a professional botter can replace any banned accounts quickly. But if you target the software developer they rely upon and can put them out of business, then you have effectively dealt with most botters.

If you did weekly bans, it would make it far easier for the software developer to find out what they need to change. But if you make them wait months to find that out, when that next ban wave hits they are going to have a lot of upset customers many of whom will reverse charges on their purchase of the software and the developer still has no idea what is wrong with their software still. They are trying to hit that real problem and take them out at the knees (their income), once you eliminate them the rest will end quickly enough.

Multiboxing is fine if done by blizzard rules, I personally multibox and get bored of hearing people telling me they don’t like it or its against the spirit of the game, meanwhile a group of players can do the exact same thing if they want and its okay? Most of the time the argument is old and its either people who are jealous or don’t have the ability to multibox themselves and that isn’t my problem or any other multiboxers who follows blizzards rules.


This is only true when using as key broadcaster. Which is bannable.

It doesn’t actually - as you can mine nodes with alt tab and /follow which is perfectly reasonable and allowed.

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